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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #330 on: October 09, 2013, 03:12:47 AM »
On the leader board at the G due to a final table appearance and a 6 way chop for  £330.

As a short stack I  was happy with the deal,  I had a stack which could do some damage, 18 bigs but happy to get home slightly earlier than we would off if we played on.

Started by losing my full stack in the 3rd hand, I 4 bet AA, flatted by JJ, flop 10 high, I bet , get called, can"t remember exact details, but villain ended up rivering a straight, standard at the minute, any draw gets there, 50p in the tin.

I get the extra chips and manage to get to 15k at the break which is playable.
Just before the final table see a flop of Jc 8c 4h, in the big blind with  9c7c, it has been limped round , I lead out and get jammed on for about 30k, same guy who had cracked Aces earlier, ah some revenge, I still have 25k left if I brick so I make the call, villain has QJ, no clubs brick, brick, sigh.

Final table reached and a few short stacks are lost, bubble agreed to be paid so was now a freeroll, shove 9d 10d from cut off for 10 bigs, bb calls with 55, manage to hit a flush, lose a few in a blind on blind clash then get another double with Ace high v some random hand v the person who was a massive chip leader at the start but had some how managed to fritter the lot away by trying to be clever and bluffing in spots which were pretty spewy.

I would of been pleased with just my cash back after the loss with the massive draw  just before the final table so was really pleased to pick up £330.

Think the home game is reconvening on Thursday, but i cannot make it as I have a prior engagement in Newcastle, off to see Stewart Lee, comedian.

Next poker is Friday at Gala and, or Gs £100 £5k gtee on Saturday. Hopefully find out if care home can take Susan today, booked appointment next week to get Passport if that comes off, will also get flight sorted, be disappointed if this doesn"t go ahead now, made a plan of mtts I want to play whilst over there, will update if and when, run good, be lucky stay healthy.

Little finger still a bit sore and in a splint but if you are going to injure anything I think the little finger on your left hand is the one I would choose, still a bit awkward when transferring Susan though, hey ho get on with it.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #331 on: October 10, 2013, 09:39:30 AM »
Ok took the plunge and decided to do Vegas again, it"s been 2 years so why not.

I decided to finish the stake of on Full Tilt a month early and use the last cash out in a hunt for glory, go out with a bang rather than a whimper.

The mini ftops starts at the weekend and with the extra bit of cash left on Tilt may play a full schedule of that series, not a massive fan of massive field mtts as you need to run pretty to golden to win but got to be in it to win it.

We made 2 cash outs on tilt totalling $4545 including the initial stake of $1k, my share being $2225, which means this has paid virtually paid for the trip, plus we still have a chance of getting some more over there, I  will get Apats 1% ($45) over to them within the next 7 days.

Lost around $1k on Stars throughout the year again only $500 was mine so with one or two minor wins on other sites been a winning year so far, not enough to think I can make a living at it, it"s still a hobby which it will always be, as long as I can win a bit here and there for life"s little extras that will do me.

Just had a read back on the staking thread, the highest we got to was $5k8 butafter that peak we went on a big downswing and was down around $1k5 which did start to get to me, luckily I managed to bink one which helped reduce the swing.

Other than the mini ftops  if I fancy a game online may just play the odd bigger game on Stars then after Vegas and Christmas decide what I want to do next year.

The schedule for Vegas does look a bit poker heavy but it"s not set in stone and I will be getting involved in a few nights out, the last time I was in Vegas towards the end of the week I started to really feel tired and did become a bit pokered out, I won"t be playing for the sake of playing though but if I feel ok will try and get it done.

Last time I booked Vegas I booked early so it seemed like a long wait but this time it"s just around the corner, got an appointment in Durham on Tuesday for a fast track passport, then get dollars and esta sorted and sort out out rail trip and hotel to Gatwick, looking forward to this trip now, can"t wait.

Still got a few weeks at the G before I go to boost spending fund as well. Thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #332 on: October 10, 2013, 09:49:29 AM »
You got ya seat booked? We have a 10 hour Pai Gow session to play !!!!!!

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #333 on: October 12, 2013, 03:36:44 AM »
Binked 2cd place at Gala tonight for £540, so with Tuesdays chop at the G of £330,this week has paid for the flights to Vegas, got to be happy with that, good timing.

No memorable hands or situations, just looked for good spots to steal and shove, made a dubious call from a short stack with a suited King to a min raise and a call was getting decent odds so decided to get try and get lucky which I did by hitting 2 pair, which got hero called by 44.

We got to 5 handed and jammed 12 bigs with k7 from the button, ran into AK, but a seven from heaven on the flop and turn gave me a double up and a move up the ladder.

Sevens were my hand tonight, I jam with 77 which holds v AJ on a KQQ flop, then the very next hand villain jams with QJ and I call with 77, a 7 on the flop but was sweating a gutshot on the river which didn"t materialise.

We done a chip count and I had a 3 to 1 deficit, the other guy offered me £540 to his £640, which was £120 more than 2cd place, I was happy to accept that as it was 2:50 am and the heads up could of gone on for a bit and I was tired.

G have their £5k guarantee later today and I suppose it would be rude not to partake especially with the last 2 cashes.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #334 on: October 12, 2013, 16:03:21 PM »
WP Brian.. please keep some of the run good for Vegas though please :) x
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #335 on: October 13, 2013, 07:56:19 AM »
And for balance, can"t cash  them all, Finished 15th/58 in today"s £100 er, never really felt it was going to be my day, I did peak at around 60k late on bit it was a mirror image of last weeks tourney at Nottingham where, I lost 3 flips to seal my fate, 22 v j 10, Ak v 99 and QJ v 44 all standard spots except maybe the 22 I raised mid position, get reraised but 2 flatters later was getting daft implied odds( maybe reverse implied odds too) to hit, I didn"t and J 10 flopped 2 pair.

The table was ok all day so quite enjoyed the game but always a bit frustrating to sit for so long and just fizzle into nothingness but it"s the nature of the beast, tomorrow is the 15/15, at the minute 50/50 whether or not to play as Susan not feeling too good, make a decision on that tomorrow, enjoyed Stewart Lee on Thursday at Newcastle, worth going to see if he is in your neck of the woods.

Next Saturday sees the reunion of the first ever game of poker at my mates house, come a long way since sitting there with a card with the best hands on and having to look and check every street, good times.

WP Brian.. please keep some of the run good for Vegas though please :) x

Trying to time it to perfection.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #336 on: October 14, 2013, 01:47:34 AM »
G was a bit feisty tonight, a faint whiff of testosterone and a whiff of Pot noodles, think it might be freshers week, a lot of student types in, this brought the average age down to around 23 instead of us doddery 50 plus people.

One of the students got Bettied after he flopped a a straight but as Betty does she gets there with a full house, this news was relayed across the room with loud yelps of wtf, standard G fare, ( news filtered through Betty hit a house but another female hit the quads on the river).

An ultra lag player was causing chaos on table 1 shoving and calling with any 2 and usually getting there against the regs, chaos ensued and one by one the regs sauntered off for a second buy in or get home for the X factor results.

I get moved to table 1, and subsequently gathered a few chips of the Laggy guy, i generally went in ahead and ran ok v his holdings, except when I flatted a suited Ace in the big blind, the board double paired after I had bet the turn and he called my bet on the river, he had AA pre, so I donated a few back to him.

I get to the final table, yes I know another one and one by one the massive chip leader proceeds to knock every one out, all his hands were genuine raising and calling hands and again he ran Golden, we got to 4 handed and he offered to take first prize and we three split the rest, I disagreed as there was one guy sat with 5 bigs so renegotiated it for an extra £100 for me and the other guy, the short stack had a moan and eventually, the chip leader agreed to give me and the other guy an extra £75, 2cd price was £325, the young lad in 2cd place wasn"t happy but all he had to do was put a red card in to scupper the deal but he didn"t.

At the cash desk the cashier handed him the slip to sign and he preceded to just scribble all over it for some bizarre reason, the cashier wasn"t too chuffed as she will get grief for that from head office.

I get paid out £275, and walk passed the young kid who was still moaning to his mates.

As said above if you are not happy with the deal put a red card in, no one is going to moan I was quite happy to play on especially against him as he was on my left and had already folded twice to my 6 big blind shove after I lost a big hand before becoming 4 handed.

Next up is the 30/30 on Tuesday there is a £20 deepstack today but will give that a miss and just stick to my usual schedule, got to have a bit if balance, may play online.

Been a good week , flights paid for, room paid for and tonight"s effort might of paid for a visit to the Rhinoceroses in Vegas,  :o :o

Apologies for these multi posts but my brother likes to hear about my poker exploits and he always checks this first thing before work, it saves a phone call and he doesn"t have to sound interested in my boring rendition of bad beats or good beats, a few minutes reading saves a lifetime of boring poker chat.

As an aside he qualified as a Radiographer 1 year ago after 20 years in the chemical industry, and he is off to London in November to collect an award as part of the team radiographer of the year, he definitely got the brains in our family really proud and chuffed for him, slightly of topic but hey oh he reads it and it"s easier writing it than telling him, soppy git I am.

As per, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #337 on: October 14, 2013, 03:33:31 AM »
Nice one again  ;D

As an aside he qualified as a Radiographer 1 year ago after 20 years in the chemical industry, and he is off to London in November to collect an award as part of the team radiographer of the year, he definitely got the brains in our family really proud and chuffed for him,

Oh and well done to the Bro.......


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #338 on: October 14, 2013, 11:40:01 AM »
Apologies for these multi posts but my brother likes to hear about my poker exploits and he always checks this first thing before work, it saves a phone call and he doesn"t have to sound interested in my boring rendition of bad beats or good beats, a few minutes reading saves a lifetime of boring poker chat.

Keep them coming, always a good read  ;)
APAT European Team Championships 2009 - Gold Medal

"The gambling known as business looks with austere disfavor upon the business known as gambling." - Ambrose Pierce


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #339 on: October 14, 2013, 11:41:42 AM »
Good work Bri, reckon you will do well in Vegas win another trip to see the rhinoceroses

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #340 on: October 14, 2013, 12:43:48 PM »

I get to the final table, yes I know another one



Congrats to the brother as well Brian x
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #341 on: October 14, 2013, 12:53:51 PM »
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #342 on: October 16, 2013, 04:03:37 AM »
G delivered again tonight in their 30/30, there was a small overlay of about £140 I think, cliffs on tourney:

Dave tried to bluff me early, but I am a fish and can"t fold top top, I was good, (will ship your 10% over today, apologies for not getting your full buy in back,what can you do).

AA actually held 3 way on a very dodgy board.

Folded JJ after, I 3 bet limpers, only to be shown JJ by villain who announced I hate jacks, his 3 bet virtually committed him, and it was to early for a flip so I swerved it.

Was down to 15 bigs on Ft bubble when Ak > A7 so reach ft healthy.

Actually get to heads up without a deal being done, we asked each other but we just said play on, only the second time that"s happened to me over there.

Hero called big river bet 3 handed with bottom pair, I was right, that doesn"t happen often usually I just wimp out, enjoyed that one.

Heads up lost a massive draw to reduce me to 13 bigs, last hand get it in good on the flop with 2cd pair, but villain made the call with his up and down straight draw and gets there.

Finished 2cd for £490, 1st prize was £640 happy with the result.

I think this result gets me in the top 5 of the leader board for the December Freeroll, so pretty confident of locking up a seat for that, hopefully with one of the big chip stacks, even though I am ok in playing a short stack, next on the agenda is Galas £40 game on Friday and back to the roots on Saturday, Beer, chillie and poker, with some mates.

Application in for passport, that should be here by next Wednesday, paid the extra just to guarantee delivery before Vegas.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #343 on: October 16, 2013, 08:11:30 AM »
Just an old bloke living the dream

Proud to be an APAT Forum Team member 2013
Prouder still of being part of the Raise for Jack team, Silver medalists 2019


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #344 on: October 18, 2013, 00:30:22 AM »
Thought i would try online tonight for a change, first game online for a week or so managed to finish 30/600 on tilt for $50, close but no cigar.
I had £20 left on Dtd so i put in the extra £5 and played a sat for the weekend 6 max, i managed to bink a seat but it went down hill from there.

Dave was playing so we swopped our usual 10% and we ended up on the same table for the first hour.
1st hour went from 30k to 20k, buth 2cd hour got up to 52k and in decent shape, then the trouble started no moaning here was happy with plays just got unlucky, all part and parcel.

3 BET AK from buttons min raise, he/she flatted q10, flop k 10 10, there is one shortie doubled up then.

i get moved to Leighs table who triple barrels on a Ace high flop, cant remember his holding but villains A3 was good, was a good attempt at winning the pot
but if Leigh had asked me first i would of told him not to attempt to bluff this guy as my stack found out in the first hour, calling station.

I hit a set of 9s v same guy who had flopped the straight,and even though i bet all 3 streets i had an inkling he had it but i had outs and the deck didnt work for me.
Actually enjoyed the 6 max format of the game for a change, might get back to sky and drop a few quid on there.

Currently railing Dave who has made day 2 with 66k which will be 30 bigs I would imagine, wp sir, bring it home.

All good fun tonight. Passport arrived today was supposed to be on a week service it arrived after 2 days glad I didn"t bother with the £128 same day service, insurance sorted, just need to get the dollars and Esta and I am sorted, happy days.