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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #495 on: July 27, 2014, 10:05:52 AM »
Unlucky exit Brian, but a great read as always, and congrats on another nice deep run  ;)
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #496 on: August 02, 2014, 20:50:49 PM »
Thanks Ian for above comment, appreciated.

Just about got over the disappointment of last week, still kicking myself for not shoving pre, such an easy move but it happened and is in the memory bank.

That result got me out of it for the month and as it was paid for from Stars winnings then it was all gravy, so a £1k month is ok by me.

Back to reality this week and my 2 appearances at the G and Rainbow seen me final table both games and also cash bubble them both, again going to the final table shortish restricts your play and you need to get lucky or avoid getting unlucky.

I do need to address this part of my game and try to accumulate chips mid game so I can take hits or give out hits in the final stages, sometimes though these spots don"t appear and it is just a grind. Last night ran 55 into 99 and AA, the nines scooped when he turned a set, guy with the AA was devastated, all part of the fun, embrace the variance.

Online I started the month with $600 on Stars,  I had withdrawn the profit about $600 for the GPS last week so it was back to my usual games, my bankroll management is pretty poor tbh but as it"s a hobby if I fancy a game I will play it.

My usual games during the afternoon are the big 5.50 and the $33 game at 2:15, I busted the big $5.50 in the first 3 hands, just jammed the lot in pre with AA against a raise and a reraise, got called in 2 spots 77 and QQ, the Queens 4 flushed it, meh whatever, got to dodge loads of bullets in that one.

The other game I managed to get heads up with a 3:1 chip deficit, unfortunately I couldn"t get any momentum heads up and finished 2cd for $1350, with sngs and a run like god 45 mins on zoom had a +$1k6 day.

Got lucky 5 handed when AQ > QQ and my final hand was KJ v 10 10, villain flopped quads, no complaints he played really well and I sucked out on the river twice to almost get back into it, he deserved to win it tbh, fair play to him.

Got just over $2k on Stars now enough to have a shot or two at a bigger game if I am on the mood.

Thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #497 on: August 06, 2014, 14:05:42 PM »
Rinse and repeat, another ft at the G, another cash bubble finished 7th paid 5, yawn, also final tabled the same tourney as above on Stars finished 6th for $400, exit hand AA V K8, 8 high flop villain just jams, after all the 8 must be good, its tptk, the 8 on the river falls and a 40 bb stack heads into the direction of the villain, 50p in the tin.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #498 on: August 12, 2014, 10:49:13 AM »
Played the £5k gtee at the G at the weekend, unfortunately nothing to report other than it was a two bullet affair, lost a chunk of chips chasing an up and down straight and straight flush draw which left me with 10k.

With a minute left before you can re enter, i am dealt JJ, which eventually goes all in v 33, the 3 binks and I decide to re enter.

After the break went pretty much the same as before making second best hands, folding small pairs to lots of action before and flopping sets on both occasions, annoying but at least reads were correct pre both times villains had overpairs pre, some times just got gamble and get lucky I suppose.

Eventually fizzled out in a pretty drab way which is something I hate doing, this has got to change.

Bit of good news next morning Dave got a chop so at least I got 1 buy  in back, will take that.

Headed last night for the 15/15 and it was never my intention to just grind to the final table like the last few weeks, I chipped up nicely to about 55k at 500/1k, then the wheels came off, lost KQ v Q10, 8 bb shove after I raised, lost 88 v QQ v AJ, against short stacks pushes, Queens won the majority but the j on the flop gave villain side pot.

Schoolboy error in the next hand flatted Q10 on the button, q high flop villain led out, looked at villains chips and put him all in, 2 pink chips suddenly made an appearance from round the back, naughty, naughty, my fault should of checked properly, now down to 15 bigs, shoved 22 and was called in 2 spots by KQ and KJ, never in doubt flop was KQ something.

Frustrating game as I was totally in charge of the table just raising every hand and getting no resistance the only premium hand being AQ unfortunately wasn"t to be again, can"t get a thing locally at the moment.

Fun spot at first table pot is about 15k after lady shoves all in on the river, guy tanks for a while and folds to the shove, it was an extra 150 chips for him to call his reasoning was she must have hit a straight, never seen that before, never seen guy before assume it was his first time playing live as he did make a few errors here and there.

Had a deep run in a 10 cubed on Stars for $120, beating 900 odd players,losing the vital flip at the end, had sucked out on bigger pairs earlier so I was freerolling it so no complaints.

Break time locally for a week or so unless I win anything online, hopefully playing Gukpt Leeds next month, that"s the next target, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #499 on: August 12, 2014, 12:43:43 PM »

Break time locally* for a week or so unless I win anything online, hopefully playing Gukpt Leeds next month, that"s the next target, run good, be lucky stay healthy.

* Apart from thursday at the home game...
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #500 on: August 18, 2014, 09:33:05 AM »
First things first, massive congratulations to Leigh on his result at Dtd, apparently In via a penny freeroll decent roi that one, well played sir, well deserved.

Onto my weekly moan fest, kidding it"s variance init.

Only played the once live that was Thursdays home game which made a return on Thursday, lost a 60/40, no biggie, dealt the rest of game and JP and Dave Carey split the spoils, I think that makes it 3/3 wins for JP on his visits up north, obviously owns us, he had an interesting  battle with Pokerpops 4 handed, the other 2 deciding to just watch them go to war.

Decided yesterday to play the Sunday Kick off and 4 hours in was guarenteed $400 and had my usual 25 bb stack, had just doubled up a few shorties as per but was still comfortable when the following occurred, raise utg, re raise utg+1 both cover me I am on cut off with AQ, with less than 20 I would normally just shove, but I am so easily dominated here I fold, button then over jams, it ends up being KK v QQ all in, of course the Ace flops and I would of got there, (result orientated moan I know), irony was I go out with 15 bigs with AQ v KK v AK, couldn"t be in worse shape, lol, when I ran the numbers with the first AQ was a very close decision wether to call or fold given the stats on the other players and their perceived ranges, never mind pointless moaning about it now it"s gone, finished 40/1655 so close again for a chance of a decent hit, $25k up top.

Had a decent month so far on Stars, except that I keep getting coolered early in zoom sessions so have lost a few buy ins here and there and as stated previously I tilt quite hard in cash games, and if I don"t get a good start I can"t be bothered to grind it back as I am looking to get it back too quickly and just go mad, definitely a flaw in my cash game, tbh I shouldn"t really bother with cash as I don"t particularly like playing it.

Definitely under it live this month but online winning, so it"s looking like another break even effort so far, but still playing the long game, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #501 on: August 20, 2014, 11:29:00 AM »
Drought broken locally, Monday night made a massive £5 profit when I get to the final table with 30 bigs and proceed to lose them in 3 pots were villains make the nuts and I have 3 bet pre and c bet and give up to significant action.

Last nights game got to the final table with my usual 12 bigs, and was a significant short stack, 7 were to be paid, never got a full double up but got some shoves through, in a different game I would and should of beeen called by some of the bigger stacks but I managed to get though he bubble, won a flip with 22 v AK on the bubble so was guarenteed £120, a few people got knocked out and I was still hovering around the 15 bb stack, more shoves  and reraises got through and was up to 25 bigs and could now raise and fold if required.

We got to 4 handed and won a big pot with A9 v J 10, done it the hard way Ace on the turn after the J hit the flop.

When 3 handed I had 110k out of the 780 in play and commented that the other 2 were waiting for me to get knocked out, so they could chop it up, I don"t like giving away my chips easily so play on, I also said I would not insult their intelligence by asking for a 3 way split.

Significant hand, I limped from the button, 9 10 spades, pretty hand should shove given stacks but guys were passive so it would be nice to see a flop, we see flop 3 handed, floptastic 7 8 J two spades, kerching, I check and both guys lead out, I flat, turn  is a 5, again both lead out, again I flat, river 9, argh action killer, nope, guy shoves all in, bloody hell a chop, no has the 6 for the idiot end, wiii, must be nice.

A quick count and we all have around 250k each, the other two are both at work in the morning and it"s 3:30 so we split it 3 ways for £590, which is slightly better than 2cd place, I didn"t mind as Susan had just rang panicking thinking I had been abducted or something.

Played much better on Monday night, but last nights game was the usual grind just playing a really solid short stack game, took correct spots and got lucky when I needed to, especially with the flopped straight, limping for the win, NOT.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #502 on: August 30, 2014, 22:12:03 PM »
Another end of the month another profitable one, again not life changing sums but every little bit helps.

This months profit will be lumped into the Gukpt in Leeds, I will be playing Day 1 on Thursday so we will see what that brings. I have been trying to get my Grosvenor account sorted to play some sats but I have just had hassle and it never seems to get sorted, so will withdraw Profits from Stars for it, then start again on Stars in September.

I would imagine it will be a fairly big turnout so a decent prize pool, not sure what the guarantee is, £50k I think, no doubt this will be surpassed, it will be a  1 bullet affair, hopefully take advantage of a few people who like to fire multiple bullets at these things.

I think re entries are the norm now, whether this is a good thing or a bad thing for a rec like myself I am not sure but with big guarantees being offered I don"t think going back to a normal freeze out is an option for the operators.

This will probably be my last big buy in of the year, Leeds is close enough to get too without the extra cost of accommodation plus the fact if anything happens at home I can get back fairly quickly.

Stars has been disappointing since my two earlier binks mid month, haven"t played too much to be honest but not a big stack in sight anywhere, in fact getting out of the starting blocks has been a problem. I won"t dwell on the knockouts, bad beat tin full and overflowing.

Played twice locally since my win a few Tuesdays ago finishing 13th on Tuesday, guy got sick of me just jamming into his limps, and he called with 9 10 off into my A6 all standard stuff, I lost.

Last night got to the final table at Rainbow but only got my money back plus £6 profit, shouldn"t have been in the hand as I was in bb with K4 off, 3 limpers at 3k/6k, pot was too tempting for my 10 bigs, in it went I hit a 4 plus a draw to the nut flush, but AJ and AQ had limp called, the J hit much to the annoyance of the AQ guy, £1 per hour, marvellous. Left casino at 3am, not a happy bunny.

In other life stuff made 2 visits to the Riverside in the last week, can"t see me returning any time soon, not because they lost, ( that"s been the main feature of all my years supporting Boro), it"s just I have lost all interest in the game, even watching the premiership bores me now, don"t mind the pub beforehand with my mates but leaving for the ground spoils the day out.

I was contemplating a trip to Vegas at the end of the year as I was due to be paid a debt this month from my son but it turns out he now owes me more than he did a week ago, sigh, plans have been put in place to get it all back before December, so a trip to Vegas is not totally out of the running.

Waffled on enough, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #503 on: September 05, 2014, 00:56:27 AM »
Quick trip report before the Ping of the microwave for some food after the days efforts at Leeds.

First the better news of the week, managed a 5th for £175 on Tuesday in the 30/30, was only in for £30 so ok with that had to ladder a bit but people were going stupid.

I was short stacked, (I know what"s new)I just sat back and let them go for it, I don"t profess to be an expert in icm, and the cash involved isn"t life changing but I made an extra £130 because people don"t look or have any idea of the stacks around the table, ie mine at that point, we had a double knockout, before I was virtually all in, will take it.

The game itself seen me hit sets, set over sets, KK cracked AA and other various chip gathering techniques, easy game, lost a few just before the final table when I didn"t know where I was with A9 on an Ace high flop, with the flush getting there on the river and villain just jammed 30 bigs in, he showed the  queen of diamonds, he could have the nuts or AQ but didn"t want to just punt it in and sigh and say nice hand.

My second bink of the week came with my Electric bill, £250 in credit, which I arranged to get back to my account, ( they have more money than me so may as well be in my bank account than theirs).

Onto Leeds Gukpt, way out of my bankroll but, it"s local I have won a bit last month and with Tuesdays effort and N Powers bonus no harm in taking a shot, just don"t tell the missus, she knows I only play tournaments with a £30 buy in.

The game itself was one of those what you don"t want, had AA, KK in the 25/50 level, and I won 800 chips, also 3 bet QQ from an utg raise, c bet a jack high flop, continued betting on the Ace turn, only to be check raised quickly, by the utg raiser, gave him the benefit and folded, perhaps I should of checked the turn to see if I get a free card to bink the Queen.

I was down to 15k, managed to get back to starting stack with a nice bluff with Q high, I put the original raiser on AK/AQ, I had a missed flush draw, but got him to fold to my river bet on a raggy board, I assumed he had missed his high cards, made a few other good calls here and there but the pots weren"t substantial and I never really got any momentum going, shipped A10 diamonds for my last 13 bigs, 66 called, all red cards on the flop unfortunately for me all of the heart variety, lost the flip, hey ho it"s poker.

Given the cards and positions I was dealt I don"t think I could of done anything different today, just one of those days were it was just not happening. I had my run good in the first few levels of Tuesdays game, poor timing on my part.

I had an Apat member to my left today Liam Crawford,  I think he is up to 90k the last time I looked so good luck to him, he did card rack it a bit but that"s what you want and need, he also won a decent pot with 10 6 as a total bluff in a nicely played hand, hope he runs deep.

Thanks for reading, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #504 on: September 05, 2014, 08:46:39 AM »

I think re entries are the norm now, whether this is a good thing or a bad thing for a rec like myself I am not sure but with big guarantees being offered I don"t think going back to a normal freeze out is an option for the operators.

As you say mate - to give those big guarantees then they almost HAVE to allow rebuys (whilst watering it down by having them as re-entries - seems to take the "edge" off the fearful "rebuy event" somehow!) - we here have agreed our Main Events (where bracelets/medals are awarded) should always be Freezeouts, and to maintain the integrity of the event to retain the "no deals" as well - but we"ve moved a little for our "side events" by allowing 1 re-entry and deals - believe it gives our members more of a "weekend" if lady luck fails them early on - especially for those who travel long distances.

I was contemplating a trip to Vegas at the end of the year as I was due to be paid a debt this month from my son but it turns out he now owes me more than he did a week ago, sigh, plans have been put in place to get it all back before December, so a trip to Vegas is not totally out of the running.

We"ll be planning another APAT/LPPL trip in June next year mate - could always join us...
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #505 on: September 05, 2014, 13:31:07 PM »
Agree, re entries are here to stay for the big ones, even the little ones tbh, i usually re enter the locals if I have been coolered, nothing worse than turning up for a few hours of poker, then running kings into Aces, or 82 suited first hand,( won"t talk about that one, suffice to say I was not holding 82 suited).

In yesterday"s game, it played pretty normal none of the usual suspects who are ready to gamble early, if people raised and faced 3 bets etc, hands were usually strong and if it went to showdown, the hands were fairly genuine.

We also had the usual case twice early doors were Aces were cracked versus a small pocket pair which had hit their set, I know it"s hard to get away from these spots  but sometimes one pair on a low flop with 100 bigs behind shouldn"t be an insta call, or should it, I have done it myself when I know they can only have 2pair minimum or a set, still I suppose we have outs to the higher set, folding is not a crime.

Re Vegas, will keep my eyes open for that one, haven"t been to Vegas in the Summer, not a massive lover of the heat, but when you are sat in spearmint, I mean a poker room, the temp outside is of no consequence.

Hopefully will be at Leeds next month so will see you there if you are travelling up.

Re Phils comments on the lack of blog updates, for the last few months I have contemplated ending this waffle as it does become a bit samey, ( is that a word), but if I have spent 6 hours at a poker table, it"s usually quite hard to get straight to sleep and writing this and then rereading it sends me to the land of nod, hopefully any other insomniacs out there reap the benefit as well.

Going to feed the local ducks for a few hours, then feed the fish at Rainbow tonight.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #506 on: September 05, 2014, 20:01:53 PM »

Re Phils comments on the lack of blog updates, for the last few months I have contemplated ending this waffle as it does become a bit samey, ( is that a word), but if I have spent 6 hours at a poker table, it"s usually quite hard to get straight to sleep and writing this and then rereading it sends me to the land of nod, hopefully any other insomniacs out there reap the benefit as well.

Going to feed the local ducks for a few hours, then feed the fish at Rainbow tonight.

GL tonight Brian.. and don"t stop posting as always it"s a great read mate.

Personally for me, don"t get to play anywhere near as much as I used to, so look forward to your updates. Keep on trucking x

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #507 on: September 05, 2014, 23:02:39 PM »
 +1 to the continuing of the blog

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #508 on: September 06, 2014, 01:59:48 AM »
If you stop this blog I will hunt you down and do nasty things to you  ;D


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #509 on: September 06, 2014, 04:27:12 AM »
Fed the ducks and and the the fish at rainbow, if you notice the time posted it will come as no surprise that I did a 3 way chop for £510 gukpt buy in back in the bank before Susan even noticed it had gone.

She is aware really of my shenanigans on the felt.

Onto the game first 2 levels wasn"t at the races and had 7k at the break from 10k, pretty easy now I double up in the next 30 mins or off for an early night.

Win my first flip AJ beating 99, 20 bigs now, lose my next flip 55 v Q 10, 77 had wimped out at the 6 bb shove by Q10, meh whatever.

Move tables shove 13 bigs utg with 99, young kid visibly shaking, ponders a call, he eventually calls with AK , phew ok with that thought he might of had 10 10 or JJ, my nines held.

I raise 97 suited mid position, flop j 8 10, yes I know total luck box, didn"t get paid though.

We get to the final table and what a line up, a who"s who of the fishiest players at the Rainbow.

Every pot is limped so even at 2/4k it"s a total fish fest, I was quite comfortable with 30 bigs but after I raised JJ after 3 limpers, 6 to the flop obviously sb and bb make it up, velly value innit.

Flop comes Ace high and the chips fly in, my cards fly into the muck and A7 beats A5, down to 15 bigs now so I get a few shoves through, no one is calling unless they have JJ plus AK, so was profitable to shove any 2 cards.

We get to 4 handed and a deal is discussed, the chip leader wants £250 more than the rest of us, but I am happy to play on and refuse the deal, basically there is one player who is competent and the other 2 including the chip leader are not and given the wind blowing in the right direction was confident of at least 2cd spot.

Crucial hand, I open AK, get jammed on by 77, I have 90k back which is 15 bigs, trivial call, it wasn"t looking too helpful with all low cards until the Ace from space arrived to save the day, the other guy took it well, not, and slammed the chips towards me, charming, whatever, said unlucky and waved him good bye.

3 handed and I lose a few and I am down to between 10/15 bigs so it"s a pretty easy game for me shove or fold, which I did, I was getting no resistance, admittedly they kept showing me poor holdings but my shoving range against these two was top 35%, so was quite wide.

Eventually shove A9 and 22 called, flopped the straight draw, and turned a straight, this brought us fairly level and we agreed an equal chop of £510 which was slightly better than 2cd place so I was ok with that, there was one fish left and the younger lad who knew what he was doing was at work in a few hours.

In one hand against him I made 2 pair on the river and he got me fold with an all in shove, if I call this and win which I would of done more than likely would of gone on to win it but I thought I could get chips of the other players more easily, this did turn out to be the case even before winning the crucial flip with AK v 77.

So financially back to were I was before Thursday just about, would of preferred to run better yesterday but that"s the way the cookie crumbles, onwards and upwards, Gps Nottingham, hmmmm, maybe.

Cheers for the comments guys, actually enjoy doing this after a game and it also keeps my brother informed of what"s going on, don"t have to bore him to death with hand details a few days later.

Got to win them flips and tonight I won more than I lost so ok with that.