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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #660 on: June 04, 2015, 00:58:12 AM »
Cheers for the above comments guys appreciated.

Speaking of plodding, plodded into Day 2 of Dtds $500 On Saturday I have 88k which will be 22 bigs think blinds are 2/4 unless they roll them back a bit, that would be sweet.

I peaked at 168k then the usual clash, blind on blind KK me in sb, 44 villain in bb, obvious raise, obv flat, obvious flop of A4A, we both checked, I led on a brick turn, get flatted, I check called his small bet on the river, could of lost a lot more, but dwindled from then on, missing an open ended straight flush and flush draw and ending on the above total.

100k was minimum target, my mate was chippie with 400k odd, was railing him a while, ran God like, perhaps my turn Saturday, gl me. Last level passed me by raised AJ utg, missed completely so had to fold, didn"t c bet into the 4 callers, the only other hand of note was A10 in BB in a limped pot, missed give up, was never going to win it tonight so let"s go Saturday.

Whilst playing this game, looking around the lobby there were quite a few foreign players in (just going by location), don"t know if this is auto put in by site or you can change it to whatever you fancy so don"t know wether they had regged by mistake looking at guarentee not realising it was a sat into a live event in the Uk, any way not my problem, free money for Dtd adds to the total guarentee.

Finally like any ones thought on this hand, scared money, too nitty What would you do, remember we are 250 bigs deep.

Third hand in, min raise utg, 1 flat, I 3 bet KK, utg passes, flatter jams 50k in the pot, on Stars 99/100 it"s AK but do we want to take a 70/30 here literally 3 mins into tournament, I know we dominate every hand apart from Aces, and Aces shouldn"t be played as badly as this but have seen it happen, I folded like the wimp I am, I know it"s probably bad but didn"t want to go back into front room to tell Susan that £360 lasted literally 3 mins of poker time, flame away.

#stillkingofthenits, over it.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #661 on: June 04, 2015, 12:10:27 PM »
I understand the fold, It"s 3rd hand in and he has a pretty tight range for this, maybe KK, AA, and AK plus maybe a couple of oddball hands. We"re presumably calling if we have AA, and probably should call with KK too, but doubling up on hand 3 is of a lot less value than avoiding being eliminated is.

But would you fold KK in that spot in the Big$22?

Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #662 on: June 04, 2015, 12:47:31 PM »
Oh yes AA defo calling, and yes probably in most games that I play on Stars at my level hard to fold Kings even though it"s sometimes a cooler, more often than not its AK or Queens.

When I checked his country was marked as Australian, again not sure if he has miss regged and he decided to get out early or not.

He went out in 2cd level Aj v AA on a Jack high flop, he probably had AK in my spot then, was ok with the fold so early, as you said there was a long way to go in the tournament, can"t win it 3 minutes in.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #663 on: June 06, 2015, 02:30:15 AM »
Just got in from Rainbow, alas finishing 8th for £100, that"s 3 final tables this week, hoping to make it 4 today/ tomorrow, just can"t finish them off.

Made the correct call against shortstacks shove but don"t hold just before the final table, think I am repeating myself here a lot A9 < J 10 so I am in the not unfamiliar territory of 13 bigs on the final table.

We get there and one wag pipes up, the standard practice is we give Brian 3rd place cash so I can go home and they can play for the rest, didn"t happen.

First hand double up with AA v A7, yeah I know card rack, so now have 25 bigs, 3 hands later get it all in with AK v QQ which I unfortunately lose which is annoying as would of been pretty much nailed on 3rd place minimum, gotta win dem flips. I was behind on this occasion but hand plays itself.

The usual I  hate AK circulates around the table, it"s only Ace high after all, yawn.

Call guy who has shoved over 2 limpers, get there with K9 v A5, lose a few antes, then someone mentions the bubble, I was too embarrassed to ask because of my short stack, wasn"t bothered either way but they all agreed so got £100, as I was only in for £44 doubled my money.

Picking someone up from Doncaster on the way to Nottingham later today, hoping for some poker Karma, one good deed deserves some run good from the poker gods.

Blinds are 2k/4k I have around 88k so not a lot of wiggle room but it"s a stack I know how to play, looking for a couple of spots early doors and holding or getting there would be much appreciated.

Play starts at 2pm, there is a second chance game which starts at 3pm and 7pm which I may enter depending upon what happens in the first hour, couple of doubles hopefully will see me keeping my wallet safely tucked away.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #664 on: June 06, 2015, 09:35:02 AM »

Just got in from Rainbow, alas finishing 8th for £100, that"s 3 final tables this week, hoping to make it 4 today/ tomorrow, just can"t finish them off.

Made the correct call against shortstacks shove but don"t hold just before the final table, think I am repeating myself here a lot A9 < J 10 so I am in the not unfamiliar territory of 13 bigs on the final table.

We get there and one wag pipes up, the standard practice is we give Brian 3rd place cash so I can go home and they can play for the rest, didn"t happen.

First hand double up with AA v A7, yeah I know card rack, so now have 25 bigs, 3 hands later get it all in with AK v QQ which I unfortunately lose which is annoying as would of been pretty much nailed on 3rd place minimum, gotta win dem flips. I was behind on this occasion but hand plays itself.

The usual I  hate AK circulates around the table, it"s only Ace high after all, yawn.

Call guy who has shoved over 2 limpers, get there with K9 v A5, lose a few antes, then someone mentions the bubble, I was too embarrassed to ask because of my short stack, wasn"t bothered either way but they all agreed so got £100, as I was only in for £44 doubled my money.

Picking someone up from Doncaster on the way to Nottingham later today, hoping for some poker Karma, one good deed deserves some run good from the poker gods.

Blinds are 2k/4k I have around 88k so not a lot of wiggle room but it"s a stack I know how to play, looking for a couple of spots early doors and holding or getting there would be much appreciated.

Play starts at 2pm, there is a second chance game which starts at 3pm and 7pm which I may enter depending upon what happens in the first hour, couple of doubles hopefully will see me keeping my wallet safely tucked away.

That sounds like an excellent deal to me you should accept and get them to mail you the money to save you going to the casino.

Best of luck at DTD today mate spin it up.

Still trying to think of something amusing to write in this bit.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #665 on: June 06, 2015, 20:57:29 PM »
The 2.5 hour drive back from Nottingham gives you plenty of time to get over the disappointment of the day, alongside a good old sing along to Blood Brothers all the way home, I am not crying because of the poker, that musical always brings a tear to my eye, anyway I digress.

Get there for 2, we always know its looking for spots for doubles with my stack, can"t get creative too much, wasn"t allowed to the usual flurry of exits saw shorties doubling or going home.

We started the day at 88k (24bigs) and after level 1 we had 77k, the few shoves I made meeting no resistance so as you were blinds now 2k5/5k.

My first bit of luck, random min raises cut off, dealer shoves 55k, I re shove with 10 10, original raiser folds and I am up against Kings, ( why the feck wouldn"t he have Kings there lol).

Anyway flop is 5 spades, he doesn"t  have a spade, I do, wiiii28bigs.

Last hand on the break I raise utg 9 10 hearts, noticing the 3 players to my left are all holding their cards ready to fold, I get one caller, i C bet the Ace high flop, meet resistance, I bet small the brick turn again he call, we both check the river, he wins with King high, soul read then, he had no draws on the flop or turn just K 10, no one folds anymore.

I win and lose some chips and am down to 90k  at 3/6, a min raise utg to 12k, a 3 bet to 40k I have AK hearts in the small blind, easy jam, initial raiser folds, 3 bettor tanks for ages,, original raiser pipes up you must be 3 betting light to not call that, dealer asks guy to be quiet as he is not in hand.

I don"t know whether that swayed his decision to call but if we do the maths there is 18k + 12k + 40k + 90k = 160k he has to call 50k to win 160k so 3 to 1 he only has to win 30% so it"s an easy call really, he has around 40% v my hand, he knows he has to hit and he did, GL to him.

Ironically he was the same guy who knocked me out at Bradford when he got there with Q 10 v 77.

It was my intention to play the second chance if Knocked out in the first hour but decided against it due the fact that I heard a list of players being called to a table just before my exit and there were all decent names from the circuit so decided not to bother even though there was a chance of a biggish overlay.

Obviously disappointed with the outcome but made no mistakes got it in good, didn"t hold, move on.

This week brings the 25/25 to Stockton, planning to play one Sat on Tuesday £50 max spend, 10 seats guarenteed and whether I win a seat or not play the Thursday evening leg if this is unsuccessful then maybe a 2cd bullet on Saturday to be decided.

Will play Sunday"s Apat game, the rest of the week going to do man stuff with drills and hammers and paint,, looking forward to that, not.

Anyway you won"t hear from me again until the next time, run good, be lucky stay healthy, ( no **** Sherlock, saves Ger from posting it again), peace.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #666 on: June 09, 2015, 09:12:52 AM »
I played over at Rainbow last night, got £200 which virtually pays for the 25/25 later in the week, probs still play the 10 seat sat tonight as well. We now have a new target to aim for in this game at 11:15 I go into grind to the free Chinese Buffet at midnight mode which I made last night which was vey good last night, don"t know if they have change suppliers but was much better than the last few weeks.

Back to last nights effort, we got to 4 handed and usually in this game it"s all regs and its split it 4 ways get home so we don"t have to play on any longer, personally was using it as a sat anyway and assumed that would be the case.

Alas chip stacks weren"t evenly distributed, one guy was massive, one wasn"t as massive and me and another with shove stacks with a bit of fold equity v the 2cd place player.

We agreed to pay bubble £100, but I suggested 220 for 3 of us (25/25 seat)and chippie who had loads gets the rest, 2cd place guy not happy with that as he thought he should get more, he offered us low stacks £150 each and he gets £300 and chippie takes the rest, for the sake of £50 me and the other guy refused both of us would rather try and spin it up for the extra £50 or do the original ask.

The chipleader continued to accumulate, but it was a case of whose nerve held between the other 3, eventually the original second placed was in a similar spot to me and the other and resurrected the original deal, we had to each lose £20, so took £200, £200, £200, the chippie getting £400.

It was fun trying to stack the original 2cd placed player as you could see him becoming more worried as time went by and his stack was dwindling down, obviously it was shove fold between the 3 of us, the chip leader had a moan because I had jammed 3 x into his bb, I even helped him out by saying he should be calling any 2 cards with his chips and my stack, he did eventually my a9 holding v his 54. An hour after the original deal was asked for we done virtually the original deal, less £20 for the 2,3 4 players.

Finished 14th in the Apat on Sunday, 2 off the cash made a poor call after I raised with 88 pre on a jack high flop, called villains jam, ofc he has the Jack, got to go back to my believe they have got it days, it"s usually because they have, that put me to 12 bigs then jammed over a min raise with AK got looked up by AJ, who got there, meh no problem, got it in good, it"s all you can do.

Got lucky with K9 v A10 a few hands earlier for a 30 bb stack, don"t think the villain was the too happy with that one, although his QJ beating my AK a few hands later gave the guy Justice as he said in the chat box, variance innit, run good, be lucky stay healthy.

Guy who knocked me out on Saturday got 2cd place at DtD, nice to see he put my chips too good use then, didn"t waste them.

Man stuff going reasonably well apart from not securing dust sheets properly and getting too much paint on the carpet, I explained to Susan it needed changing anyway, if you are going to a job do it properly, drill work today DANGER !!!!.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #667 on: June 12, 2015, 01:56:02 AM »
Running bad, playing bad not a good combo, had £80 on my Grosvenor card withdrew and played sat on Tuesday, lose a 45k pot 5 way with KK v KQ and various draws, Q high flop followed by a rivered Queen, it was all in on the turn, 4 way had to dodge loads of bullets, didn"t.

Wasn"t going too, but used 2cd bullet, KK loses to 96, flush got there, home by 10:30, no cheap seat for me

The £200 acquired at Rainbow paid for tonight"s 25/25 effort.

Lose a few AQ v 666 on a AQ6 flop, sigh called even though I knew in the back of my mind I was beat.

Lose when i rivered the nut flush v a flopped set which turned into a full house on the river, paid the lady off.

Mistake 1 was calling raise even though in position with a suited Ace, put her on a really narrow range ie the big 3 plus Ak, hit my 9 on the flop along with a Queen and a 6 the turn giving me the nut flush draw, I led out, she calls, the river pairs the board with the 6 hearts, I check call expecting her to have Kings full but she had 9 s full,same difference.

Lose Ak to shorties 86, flopped the nut flush draw but villain made a straight flush with runner runner, if you r going to lose, lose in style.

The rest of the game was just shove fold for me, trying to keep a minimum 10/12 bb stack so have some fold equity, eventually I got it in with Ak v Ak v 88, the eights hold and was out.

All standard exits in my last 3 games, my turn to win a few flips with Ak me thinks.

50/50 whether to fire another bullet on Saturday, will see how I feel, this one was an effective Freeroll, so get back in there and get it done.

Decorating turned out to be an expensive exercise but really pleased with the results, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #668 on: June 14, 2015, 07:56:29 AM »
Decided to play yesterday"s 25/25, and it wasn"t one of my better decisions.

Including the Sats earlier in the week ran pretty bad in the 4 games and makes you wonder why we bother playing, got to take the rough with the smooth I suppose.

No glaring mistakes like the Thursdays effort, losing with AA first hand set the template, the table was very limpy and any 3 bets were met with minimum 4 to a hand obviously needed some sort of hand to go to war with, unfortunately nothing arrived and I succumbed and limped along with rubbish and got what I duly deserved, nothing.

Eventually went when I shoved  K 10 into 86, flop coming 679, leaving me to hit 3 kings, which I didn"t.

One of the young locals had built a massive stack by just hitting everything early on and could of cruised to day 2, with 2 levels left, then he just punted the lot off in a pretty ridiculous manner, pretty sure he had double average chips at one point, if he got in a cooler situation I could understand but no he just assumed his luck was going to hold and the any 2 and suited cards which obliged early on didn"t work when the blinds and antes increased, every bluff he made got picked off and he disappeared into the night before my obligatory 12 bb shove lost.

Pretty disappointed not to make Day 2, think that"s the first Day 2 I have not made in these comps as well.

It"s not been a good week, luckily Mays run paid for it although that profit has had a little dent put in it, meh whatever, it is what it is.

Not played online since Sunday, been decorating and weather been good so been out a few times, may play a few games today, looks a bit miserable outside, Congrats to Leigh who had a nice result in Vegas, would of being going on Tuesday if life stuff didn"t get in the way, still planning to head out there late October/November with the possibility of a trip to New York first, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #669 on: June 14, 2015, 12:41:54 PM »
Really enjoy this blog, it has everything, poker insights, life observations and the honesty of writing that is both refreshing and entertaining. Nice one you legend  8)


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #670 on: June 22, 2015, 21:43:06 PM »
It hasn"t been a good month so far, results are slightly skewed as there have  been 3 biggish buy in tournaments live, and online I am hardly playing, I did sat into the sky roller last night but used all my run good up in the satellite, so there were no returns there.

I finished 14 th in the T. rex on Full tilt, paid 12 on Saturday night, frustratingly flopping 2 pair on the flop then getting it all in on the 8 turn, original raiser had 88 pre, this seems to be the story of the week, making nut flushes and straights but villains some how get there with full houses and flushes, all part of the fun.

Friday night at rainbow was fun, a total grind all night after making 2 bad calls on the river, grinded a short stack into a position were I was Aipf with QQ v 99 v AJ, the Ace spiked and that was that, against my shove AJ was an ok call but when the other guy reshoves it was a bit dubious, even I thought my Queens were a dog.

Done a bit of maths on the call he was getting 2/1 so only needs 35% equity so it was a slightly - ev call, pretty sure he wasn"t thinking about the maths behind it, ohh look it"s an Ace and a Jack, must be good.

I may be doing him a dis service and I am being a poker snob for this I apologise.

I was watching twitch last night with Jamiestaples who seems to have pretty much got the poker/ twitch thing sorted, loads of subs plus a sponsorship from Stars, he said at the start of the stream it would be a short one as he didn"t feel like it, he managed to win the 8 cubed for $7k2 8 hours later, given the cards he got I think anyone with any semblance of poker knowledge would of won that one though, talk about run good.

When I first started watching him he was on a $14k downswing but is now currently up $42k for the year, he deserves it for his attitude to the game and his perseverance and is a good watch, shows what it is like to actually grind online mtts for a living, I  don"t think I could hack 14k downswings so I will continue to plonk a bit here and there, hopefully win something then go and buy a new hat.

2 pluses from last night, made the buffet at midnight, was starving as hadn"t eaten all day, then got £175 in a deal not a lot but pays for last weeks losses at Rainbow, #breakingeven.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 09:52:10 AM by Erimus »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #671 on: June 27, 2015, 03:10:04 AM »
Well that was a frustrating week, had a really deep run in the triceratops (full tilt) on Wednesday, only to run JJ into AA when I had loads and I probably could of folded to a final table spot, however we are playing for the win so cest la vie.

Monday at Rainbow got my usual chop, slightly smaller than normal as one guy had loads so received £175 which was still 3x buy in so paid for a few meals out during the week.

Just got in from Rainbow and another min cash, sigh, reach the final table with a healthy stack around 35 bigs so a bit of room to play, seemed to be a lot of chips on the table for some reason.

I raise 77 utg, get flatted by cut off, sb jams around 18 bigs, bb rejams, probably covers me or will cripple me, I fold, (wimp), cut off folds, it"s JJ v AK, Jacks hold, well they wouldn"t of I had been in, a 7 on the flop for a little rubdown, can"t be results orientated.

Get some chips back then I raise 88 Utg, Guy rejams then another re re jams, another reluctant but correct fold its AK v KK, would of got there on a 456K7 run out, sigh again, can"t be results orientated, see the pattern.

Eventually re shove 10 9 on the button into AQ, in which I don"t get there, had a bit of luck to get to final table when A10 beat AK, there was a few chunters about my call, when it was pretty apparent I was behind,  (getting a reputation as a luckbox, always getting there), yeah that would be right, I had raised pre, he shoved for 9 bigs, pretty standard call tbh, usually dominated but also flipping a lot.

There was a bit of a do just before the break with one guy offering another guy outside after he allegedly called him a cheat, apparently it"s all over now as an apology was offered and accepted a few hours later in another casino.

June hasn"t been one of my better months poker wise but it"s a long game just got to keep trying, think there is a Gukpt at Leeds at the end of July will be trying to win enough to get into that one.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #672 on: July 01, 2015, 11:08:10 AM »
After a great start to June it finally finished in a whimper, thanks to the win on Sky at the beginning of the month we still made a small profit.

Played both local games over the last two nights, Monday finished 4th only 3 paid, made a mistake with 5 left, I open 88 utg, get flatted by a random who has played every hand and hit everything then get jammed on by a decent reg, I didn"t notice the 2 pinks at the bottom of his stack and rejammed, flatter folds and get snapped by Jacks.

The Jacks hold and I lose 20 bigs when I thought it was 10, lesson learned ask for a count, would of folded, against particular player dont even think he is jamming AK here, ( it"s only Ace high after all innit), down to 6 bigs, get a double when I knock out shorter stack.

I have 11 bigs and the other 3 are chipped up, this is now the time the usual bubble is asked for, me being the Shortstack I didn"t bother but one guy offered it, but I was certain in the reaction the other 2 were not keen so I just said play on, would rather spin it up tbh, even though my rep down there is of a super nit especially with one of the guys on the final table, who constantly goads me about being the ultimate grinder ie not playing hands etc and never bluffing etc, never show my cards so he doesn"t have a clue tbh, won a flip earlier against said guy who never stopped going on about how he was going to get me, really, get a life ffs. I don"t play for a bubble payment would rather play ftw every time but nature of these games is they are usually chopped up at some point.

Anyway he finally got me shove J 10 blind on blind v A5, I got there but he re got there, pretty standard so no problems.

Last night at G was the usual standard the standard raise at 25/50 was 500 which still resulted in 4 callers minimum to flop, got to the break with 30k getting lucky with 98 on  699 flop v 66, running 4 4 giving me the higher house, get a mini lecture at the break of how much a fish I am, not in an aggressive way,but this guy runs so bad all he time it"s being going on forever, yawn heard it all before, advised him to read this blog so I dont have to bore him with more bad beat stories, don"t want to hear about them mate, we all get them we all give them it"s all part of it.

Was up to 50k at 800/1600, utg raises 3k5, I 3 bet 10k with QQ, he asks how much behind, rejams all in, still should go with my read nobody 4bets aipf without AA or KK over there, didn"t go with what I know and called, didn"t hit and toddled of home, could of folded with 20 bigs left but  if you have read previous few posts sick of making correct folds then getting there, obviously the last 2 nights both should of folds but didn"t, poker gods decided not to oblige.

Won £80 on Sky on in one of there bounty hunters at the weekend, then satted  into the super roller on Sunday were I finished 10 of the cash AK v J5 suited, K high flop but the suits get there and am drawing dead on the turn, was for a 55 bb pot which would of put me in a good position, what can you do.

Home charity game tomorrow night, no prize money on offer as cash going to charity but bounty prizes on offer, something different will make a change from the usual grind.

All in all a pretty average effort for the month, any way the sun is shining and it"s hot, unfortunately the sun is no good for Susan"s Ms and it just makes her condition worse so windows open fan on and keeping her hydrated is the plan for the day, run good be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #673 on: July 02, 2015, 02:17:51 AM »
Almost the perfect start to the month just finished 5th in the triceratops on tilt for $560, get to the final table 2cd in chips but running KK into AA was not the ideal start, had the guy covered but was in the 20bb position as per, a few knockouts later get it all in with 10 10 v AQ, standard exit I suppose, but its getting a bit tiresome running into Aces or overpairs to my pairs at the critical points.

Also had a decent run in the 5 cubed over on Stars but again tens fail to hold v AQ, was freerolling at that point anyway as my tens beat Jacks aipf a few hands before, min cash heaven.

A few expletives were aimed at the screen when the Jacks were shown, I calmed down by the river when the 10 hit.

Again no intention of trying to grind it up, get it out get it spent, redeposit as and when required.

Totally off subject will have been married 30 years this month and today with the decent weather finally managed to get all the wash baskets totally emptied, all dried and ironed, God I live the life, thanks for reading, peace.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #674 on: July 06, 2015, 01:52:41 AM »
Semi run good continues after the deep run on Full Tilt on Thursday, played the £33 bounty hunter on Sky Saturday night, scraped into the cash and with bounties made £90.

I added the £20 to play the Super Roller(again bankroll management skills non existent) which is fast becoming my favourite game of the week, got lucky when Ak beat the kings of Pears27 (Paul on here I think ul Paul with that one), then had the fortunate scoop of AA into KK.

As usual the bubble on this thing plays for ages and had to fold a few hands which I might of gone with as there were 3 real shorties.

The bubble burst and i done some serious laddering skills, eventually I was 8/8 with 10 bigs, I pick up QJ suited on the button which I was about to get in but had a quick look on the other table when I noticed that the other shortie was all in with AQ V AJ, he had more chips than me, seen the AJ flop the flush and beat the AQ so I laddered up to 7th place which was an extra £150, didnt shove the QJ, shoved the next hand instead, his raggy ace bettering my raggy Ace, was ok with a min cash at certain points in the game so was really pleased with £720, so just under a £1k weekend, off to buy a new hat and maybe some fish.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2015, 03:19:39 AM by Erimus »