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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #780 on: March 01, 2016, 14:22:43 PM »
Started the month on the front foot, recovered Sheffields buy in with a £250 share in Monday"s game at the G, elsewhere the Teesside poker community continue to rake it in with £30k, £12k, £12k cashes at Dusk till dawn, that along with last weeks $35k and £10k successes for locals, "Every one round someones house for a Parmo", (another reference for the locals), go to you tube and search Boro v Steaua Bucharest, this was a famous line from the local commentator who died recently, still brings a tear to most Boro fans eyes, first match on you tube, up there with my 3 greatest games ever seen, great memories.

Fun hand from last night, I jam Q10 (12 bigs), of the heart variety into the KK of one of the most excitable players on the local scene, the usual suspects up here will know the aforementioned player, Shakey is his nickname, and as his chips shook into the middle pretty much knew I had to get very lucky, he tabled KK, oops need help,
flop K (urgh), 9 (nice), J (bink), faded the fill up, actually made Broadway with the Ave on the river.

I sheepishly said unlucky but don"t think he was happy, hey ho variance innit, he then jammed 77 into AK, the ace from space on the river compounded his misery, I was not involved in this one, can"t blame me, although the look I got when he left the table, I knew I wasn"t in his good books.

I lose a flip 4 handed which would of made me a big chip leader and with not knowing the other 2 that were left was happy to play for 1st place but as it was just shove fold a 4 way chop was agreed, 2:35am was the time and I needed to sleep.

Just about to go buy our tickets for Blackburn mate, will have to meet up for a pint!

Off to Blackburn for my first away game for a few years later, will text you stu if on time, picking my brother up from work so no idea what time will arrive, no more poker this week, can"t play Saturday"s game as some family stuff has popped up,may try and sat into Dtd Wpt and play the online leg and try and qualify for Day 2, run good, be lucky stay healthy.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 15:07:00 PM by Erimus »


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #781 on: March 20, 2016, 23:50:21 PM »
Bit of a sing when you are winning post as the previous 3 weeks have been pretty down beat both in poker and life in general to be honest, tonight was in 2 minds whether to go and play the Sunday game at the G as one of Susans friends was coming round, realised if I turned up I wouldn"t be able to play as it started at 4pm and it was now 6:20, oops my bad.

Played about 3x locally including the now £3k5 gteed Friday game at G, making one final table, ran Queens into Kings late on for no cash, what can you do.

Rainbow have finally conceded defeat and have only a £5 rebuy on a Wednesday, the other games have died completely, their Facebook page indicates games been cancelled due to lack of interest, made a comment there indicating lack of interest from casino or customers as in my mind it was the former, no attempt to keep the regs there or no attempts to put a decent game on when the G don"t have a decent game, no problem it"s the casinos choice, be surprised if it"s still there this time next year.

G on Friday attracted 81 runners and although I didn"t play would imagine ran very late but heard a 4 way chop for over £1k each for top 4, decent return for £30 or £60 with add on.

Back to tonight, was banished to back room and decided to play sky"s £1500 gteed £55 game, only got 23 runners I think and paid the top 3, reached final table as a short stack, there"s a surprise but 15 bigs was playable, was down to 6k, at 500/1000, jammed q10 into 99, some how made a straight, then slow played AA for a treble up, made the cash then get a double AK v AQ and had a substantial chip lead, heads up lasted 2 hands 2cd pair was good v overcards and a flush draw, so 3 hours later £750 was winging its way north, needed it as poker morale pretty low.

I will be withdrawing the lot and it will pay for next seasons season ticket renewal, premiership or championship still to be decided, still not fancying a grind, win and buy stuff still my mantra.

I went to the match on Friday and after the previous weeks debacle with Karanka I had pretty much lost interest in the rest of the season,  I was quite confident we would beat Hull but our Achilles heel is our away form, having said that our home form is very good and am quite confident 4 wins out of 5 and 2 away wins may be enough, either way season ticket sorted whichever division. I am happy Karanka is staying but was pretty weak throwing his toys out of the pram, managers manage that is the job, put it down to the Latin temperament, hope it galvanises the squad, re the win v Hull it was 0-0 written all over it but will take a 91st minute winner every time, results more important than performances now,play crap and win 1-0 will take it.

Back to the poker Grosvenor have an Easter beast promo this week, the local casinos joining up, Geordies, Mackems and Smoggies culminating in a Day 2 in Newcastle on Monday, playing Thursday and hopefully get a stack to take through, may use a 2cd bullet on Sunday see, how I feel.

Usual thing anything to report will be back, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #782 on: April 16, 2016, 19:40:33 PM »
Been a while, once a week at G and very little online, finished March in profit which allowed me to play the Easter beast but that just disappeared into the mist, don"t seem to have the same motivation at the moment and the odd games I have been playing a mixture of playing bad, running bad, poor decisions etc all signs of a moaning player so perhaps a break is required, ( not cashing doesn"t help).

Another reason for the lack of playing time is the Championship, games have been coming thick and fast on Tuesdays and Fridays, which are the usual days for poker locally for me anyway.

4 games to go, not counting chickens, fingers crossed tightly, it hasn"t been pretty but have showed plenty of guts since the debacle at Charlton, 6 wins on the spin takes some doing, yeah I know injury time winners but it ain"t over till it"s over, just don"t want the play offs.

March profits went on the print below, and my season ticket renewal, so my poker bankroll is now hanging on my wall, few months off then may rejoin the fray.

Finally my son is doing the London marathon next week for the MS society, my wife was diagnosed 25 years ago with this, I have put a link to his just giving page any donations would be gratefully received, whatever he gets his employers will double it so hoping to take it to £6k plus. Thanks in advance for any donations received.

Never say never, but due to lack of poker playing on a poker blog it is not likely to bring in any new material so posts may be few and far between, if anything major happens will let you know but for the time being its been fun, run good, be lucky stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #783 on: May 07, 2016, 18:28:14 PM »
Up The Boro

Enjoy the celebrations
Just an old bloke living the dream

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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #784 on: May 08, 2016, 09:26:57 AM »
Cheers, these are the days we wait for, been a long 7 year grind back. Comparing this season to last we had steel and guts, wasn"t pretty most of the time, we probably played better football last season but the whole club just wanted it, the Charlton blip apart, (thought the place could implode after that debacle).

Thank god no play offs and Wembley, couldn"t stand that again, may be able to play up at Newcastle now on the 27th, although poker is taking a back seat at the minute, hardly playing apart from the odd Tuesday night.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #785 on: May 08, 2016, 22:48:38 PM »

may be able to play up at Newcastle now on the 27th, although poker is taking a back seat at the minute, hardly playing apart from the odd Tuesday night.

You have more chance of playing up at Newcastle than your football team has next season.
Relegation is looming for the Geordie Boys.
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #786 on: May 18, 2016, 03:29:38 AM »
The odd tuedays have been profitable, 2 successive chops for £400 in the last 2 weeks plus one or two deepish runs on stars means we are having a semi decent month which I am not going to quibble about, tonight"s highlights sees me lose the minimum with AA early doors, then win the maximum against AA late on,thats my preferred option in both scenarios, obviously had to get lucky in the 2cd scenario, Guy decided to slow play them, turned straight, small sweat as an Ace would off gave him a full house, it  didn"t arrive.

Season ticket purchased, had took the early bird option which meant no price increase even though didn"t know what division we would be in, looking forward to appearing last on match of the day next season, Gibson has said he will be spending so we shall see what that brings, daft £10 on winning the thing ?,  nope, not that daft.

Newcastle next week looks on, so hope to take this small upturn up there and try and make day2 at least, only made day 2 once in an Apat event, that was Vegas a few years back, speaking of which will not be doing my usual jaunt over there in November, but will plan for June 2017.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #787 on: May 25, 2016, 03:31:10 AM »
The usual wide awake after returning from another excursion to the G so will update on the latest happenings, online, nothing, nada, nowt, keep running into people who just have it constantly, hey ho it happens, not a lot of volume just the odd deposit here and there.

After last weeks 2 successful cashes this week has yielded similar results, didn"t fancy BGT on Monday so popped to their £1k gtee, was going ok then wasn"t got it in with KQ v short  stacks AQ which left me with 2 big blinds, at 600/1200, heater from this point ended up 3 handed but was the shortie (12 bigs), which soon turned into  28 bigs winning a flip aipf 77 v KJ, no deal had been mentioned when I was short but now one of the villains was in my position (short), the lady asked to split it 3 way, I suggested me and her take a bit extra, and the shortie takes less, he was happy to play on as 3rd and second was only £70 difference, we carried on for a bit then stacks evened out and we all took £310, was in for £31 so ok with it.

Tonight"s effort was a bit odd, had the worst seat position ever with 3 of the most boisterous players in the area to my left and right, either play to get lucky or just get it in good and cross fingers, anyway no decent spots or cards seen me reach the break with 15k inc add on so was in for £56.

Limped AA from utg 12 bigs, made a set by the river but not a lot of action, always have it in that spot. The very next hand AA again, min raised get 2 callers, flop 8 clubs, 9 clubs, X, utg just shoves all in, ( assume 2 pair or draw), I reshove and the other guy comes along, up against up and down straight draw, and a J high flush draw, the turn brings in the the straight but the flush has got there, I have the redraw to the nut flush which duly arrives on the river, get to the final table and win a few chips but also lose some, made a mistake not shoving 99 with 15 bigs but limped along, all over cards and the action meant I was struggling to win,( there was one guy who only had 4 bigs not in the pot, didn"t fancy gifting him the £190, slightly nitty I suppose but hey ho),eventually shove 33 8 bigs 5 handed, lose a flip v KQ, had to get there the hard way making a straight on the river, got £190 for my troubles, 2 guys were massive and would of needed to get very lucky to dent their stacks.

As stated in Pokerpops blog, will be up in Newcastle at the weekend see if this mini heater can continue, can"t believe it"s a year to the day that we didn"t turn up at Wembly to play Norwich, thank god don"t have to make that trip this coming weekend, not bothered who goes up, not a good feeling coming away from that place having lost.

No more live poker this week till Saturday, the game at G on a Friday is along drawn out affair and although the prize pool is decent, playing the following day would be too much.

I was looking for another piece of Art for the wall, but the one I want is £700, slightly excessive so opted for the PlayStation 4 instead, (keeps me of the online poker during the day), still happy to use poker winnings for buying stuff rather than give it all back from where it came, in profit for May whatever happens, between £500/£600 which is a bonus, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #788 on: May 25, 2016, 09:02:49 AM »

The usual wide awake after returning from another excursion to the G so will update on the latest happenings, online, nothing, nada, nowt, keep running into people who just have it constantly, hey ho it happens, not a lot of volume just the odd deposit here and there.

After last weeks 2 successful cashes this week has yielded similar results, didn"t fancy BGT on Monday so popped to their £1k gtee, was going ok then wasn"t got it in with KQ v short  stacks AQ which left me with 2 big blinds, at 600/1200, heater from this point ended up 3 handed but was the shortie (12 bigs), which soon turned into  28 bigs winning a flip aipf 77 v KJ, no deal had been mentioned when I was short but now one of the villains was in my position (short), the lady asked to split it 3 way, I suggested me and her take a bit extra, and the shortie takes less, he was happy to play on as 3rd and second was only £70 difference, we carried on for a bit then stacks evened out and we all took £310, was in for £31 so ok with it.

Tonight"s effort was a bit odd, had the worst seat position ever with 3 of the most boisterous players in the area to my left and right, either play to get lucky or just get it in good and cross fingers, anyway no decent spots or cards seen me reach the break with 15k inc add on so was in for £56.

Limped AA from utg 12 bigs, made a set by the river but not a lot of action, always have it in that spot. The very next hand AA again, min raised get 2 callers, flop 8 clubs, 9 clubs, X, utg just shoves all in, ( assume 2 pair or draw), I reshove and the other guy comes along, up against up and down straight draw, and a J high flush draw, the turn brings in the the straight but the flush has got there, I have the redraw to the nut flush which duly arrives on the river, get to the final table and win a few chips but also lose some, made a mistake not shoving 99 with 15 bigs but limped along, all over cards and the action meant I was struggling to win,( there was one guy who only had 4 bigs not in the pot, didn"t fancy gifting him the £190, slightly nitty I suppose but hey ho),eventually shove 33 8 bigs 5 handed, lose a flip v KQ, had to get there the hard way making a straight on the river, got £190 for my troubles, 2 guys were massive and would of needed to get very lucky to dent their stacks.

As stated in Pokerpops blog, will be up in Newcastle at the weekend see if this mini heater can continue, can"t believe it"s a year to the day that we didn"t turn up at Wembly to play Norwich, thank god don"t have to make that trip this coming weekend, not bothered who goes up, not a good feeling coming away from that place having lost.

No more live poker this week till Saturday, the game at G on a Friday is along drawn out affair and although the prize pool is decent, playing the following day would be too much.

I was looking for another piece of Art for the wall, but the one I want is £700, slightly excessive so opted for the PlayStation 4 instead, (keeps me of the online poker during the day), still happy to use poker winnings for buying stuff rather than give it all back from where it came, in profit for May whatever happens, between £500/£600 which is a bonus, run good, be lucky, stay healthy.

Good to see you still churning along mate!

Looking forward to Saturday, even though I have committed to playing this one sober, no staying over so driving there and back from Yarm!!
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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #789 on: May 29, 2016, 23:17:49 PM »
Ok then, report on the weekends happenings, after all you have to read stuff from the local donkfests, be churlish not to report on an actual Apat event.

We shall start on Friday night, after losing in the £1 Vegas sat had some spare cash left so entered the Daily Express at 9pm,  €8 1 r/a which started at 9pm, to cut a long story short reached the final table with 12 bigs,  chipleader was only 25 so in with a shout, alas this was cut short when KQ couldn"t get there v 22, no problems €130 which means we are freerolling Saturday.

Main event starts, first anomaly is that after picking up Stuart and Dave for the drive up the table draw saw us seated next to each other on table 4, how does that happen ?.

It didn"t take long to run into my first set, actually a flopped full house v my rivered nut flush, lost the minimum, it"s early doors, later on its probably a bust out hand, probably losing value in the long run but whatever.

4 levels in and Stuart who had suddenly turned into me, ie not playing hand, no table talk and no drinking, wins his first pot, although with his Q high flush thought he was up against a house, and sigh calls min river raise, he is good though.

We get to 28k courtesy of a set and that is were we peaked, folded AK on a A high board after my river bet was reraised, a flush had turned up, the board had paired and if it was a bluff wp sir, was happy with folding.

Raise AK utg, get 3 bet, could get 40 bigs in here like the big boys do on the Ept, decide to flat, brick, his c bet is good, later, had him on JJ plus, later he said QQ, could of realised full equity of hand by seeing all 5 cards but ddecided against it.

Made Day 2 with 20 bigs, been in worst positions.

Day 2 starts, eventually shove 14k AJ, into 99 and KK, actually getting the correct odds now, just need to bink the Ace from space or more outs on the river any heart, brick!!!!, meh whatever, never lucky (says smiling).

A sng started for Vegas sat, bubbled that, yawn, well played Mathew.

In for a penny in for a pound, played the sat for Vegas, velly value as the saying goes on Teesside, the little win on Friday covers it, it"s only money, it will only get spent somewhere else anyway.

8 runners I have 28k, make a move with 97 diamonds, 3 bet opening raise, hit my 7 but the Q wasn"t welcome, called on bet on the turn, then led the river, maybe bet too small 5k into an approx 12Kpot, Tom called with JJ, nice call, I probably bet that amount if have a decent Queen, no probs he made a good call, 2cd best hand deserves second place.

We get to 4 handed I am in OK shape after busting Tom in not one of my finest hands K8 in Bb v K5 button raise King high flop, there is only one prize so it was time to try and accumulate chips.

Raise AJ, Stuart rejams 15k, not really happy calling, but did,  up against A6, was ok till the 6 hit the river, what can you do, would have been in a sweet spot if that holds, but it wasn"t to be.

A few hands later rejam A 10 over Stuart"s raise, course he has AA, lol, get outs with a 10 on the flop, but didn"t materialise, and that was that,  was going for the win, didn"t want to bubble that one, rather finish 4th than 2cd, went for it, didn"t happen no regrets.

As usual an excellent poker weekend provided by Apat, cheers all, been a good one.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #790 on: June 05, 2016, 02:53:46 AM »
Busy few days locally, bubbled the ft on Tuesday at 1:45am, 55 counterfeited, annoying but was a standard spot, apparently it went on and finished at 5:00 which is a bit mad for a weeknight game, (increased amount of chips in the game).

So May came to a close with a small profit which is ok with me.

June starts with the £5k guaranteed Saturday £100 game, it makes its guarantee just, with the help of minimum 12 re entries, gamblers going to gamble I suppose.

Luckily I didn"t have to re enter and tbh it was only going to be a one bullet affair, by the dinner break had gone from 25k to 40K with no major incidents, playing fairly solid and my big hands holding up.

Break through came when I raised 96 spades on button v a lady who was convinced I was at it all the time and she was out to get me, never played her before but seemed OK, flop 96x, she jams 63, 96 holds and we are in a good spot.

I get berated by one of the locals after 3 betting 2 limpers with 9 10 clubs, leading on a 9 high flop then folding to a jam, said player is usually solid and had KK, "you play too tight"was the accusers thoughts, I had 50 bigs at this point.

Get to 2 tables and get a nice double with KK v AK, he snapped so quick thought it was a cooler v AA, was pretty confident of the Ace not getting there, and it didn"t.

Final table arrives 6 being paid, 4 bubbles is the cry, no is the response, play on.

A few short stacks are removed and with 8 left, bubbles are requested but we play on, make a good call with A8 v a short stacks shove, only slightly ahead v J9, the 9 arrived and I was in trouble, 10 bigs on the direct bubble, me and the other shot stack agree to pay the other the £110 back as a saver if the other one busts, OK with that, we tangle a few hands later, my 88 holding v AQ, running pretty pure in the important pots.

The big stack was playing really well putting pressure on with big raises and it was difficult to play back as there were a couple of really short stacks and the middling stacks were hamstrung.

Eventually the bubble bursts and we are guaranteed £360, less £110, heater alert, 10 10 jam, oh hi there AA, we hold, AJ jams, oh hello ladies, holds, eventually 3 handed with one shortie, me middling stack, and a big stack.

One for the Stockton crew, I raise Q6, sb, Q4 defends in big, flop Q46, we hold v the all in, all is correct in the world, and we are heads up, we play about 30 minutes and the guy asks how much I have, I said will count after this hand, raise 77, get 3 bet, he"s been really aggro, get it all in, up against KK, no bink, so 2cd place for £1250, less the £110.

I ran pretty pure today with the best hands, made good folds, and reads were pretty spot on, folding 2 pair when guy turned a straight, OK I am a nit but went with they usually have it when they get too the river and bet big.

So it can only go downhill from here.

Tuesday probably my next live effort, Apat online for tonight and maybe one go at the Party Poker Grand Prix thingie.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #791 on: June 05, 2016, 23:04:03 PM »
Played top pair top kicker pretty badly tonight in the Apat online event,when I committed myself to the pot when a set was pretty obvious, hey ho one day I will learn.

However had a second game on Sky running alongside, the £1500 gteed, £55er.

Only 3 paid but good value only 20 runners, get AA on the cash bubble, I know, I run good in the right spots aipf v AQ holds with no sweats or anything, boring.

Unfortunately couldn"t close it out finishing 2cd for £450, obviously need to work on my heads up game, actually was another cooler, flat 63 clubs flop 2 456 2 clubs, Pot expanding rapidly turn trip 666, we are all in the 3rd club gets there villain has a 7 high flush, meh just the £300 difference then.

Looking on the black side we lose approx £800 in cash equity losing the 2 heads up games, but on the bright side we have won £1700 for clicking buttons and throwing bits of plastic about.

Posting this on my phone so can"t find a link for my next Art purchase but will be buying said piece tomorrow and will post up later in week, apologies for the sing when your winning posts, but I think I am fairly balanced with the losing stuff so swings and roundabouts, wasn"t fancying Vegas this year but has a sneaky look for 2 weeks time, then reality set in, enjoy the euros, just keep on keeping on, thanks for reading, run good,be lucky  stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #792 on: June 09, 2016, 10:26:57 AM »
Semi run good continues locally, not a big cash but a 5th place on Tuesday meant £50 short of a £2k week, waiting for  a call from the picture framers to collect latest piece will post a link later, already got my eye on 2 more and that will be that as the walls will be full.

Tuesday"s game was eventful at table 2 it was like a football crowd, newish dealers who at this moment are not the most efficient failing to control the table, the floor being called on at least 6 occasions and the noise was pretty ridiculous as was the behaviour of the players, usual suspects in the fray, glad I was not on that table as I would of probably just stacked off and gone home, no need.

Interesting reaction from one player on my table during the game, this weak reg who had built a stack lost two significant all ins v random cards v his Aces an Kings, he took the huff and disappeared for 1 level, he had left a 20bb stack on the table, he eventually comes back, bemoaning his luck, he had driven home but decided to come back.

He of course forgot that he built his stack by getting it all in against a guy who plays so tight his minimum range for opening is KK plus, (wasn"t me, there is a tighter player down there than me, I cannot get this guy to relinquish his King of the nits title), with 77, personally I fold QQ in that spot, the 7 binked and he was all smiles.

Of course being the gracious player I am, I lost every one of my 3 pots against him and he eventually knocked me out and I think he went on to finish 2cd.

The said player said he was going to look for somewhere else to play as he can never win down here, lol, apparently the other casino doesn"t give out as many bad beats, really what the hell goes on in their heads regarding poker.

Obviously didn"t take my advise re Lucy"s final table, perhaps I should giq, wp to her again, till the next time run good, be lucky, stay healthy.


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #793 on: June 16, 2016, 22:09:42 PM »
Everyone seems to smashing up Vegas, congrats to Ger, Brian and all other members filling their boots, we had a Teesside local who chopped one today for $45k, well done to him, one of the good guys.

Quite a few locals are over in the next 14 days and tbh am slightly jealous, had a few close shaves online on Sky, Party and Stars but min cashes were the best I got, all the games I had good opportunities to get a decent hit but alas the big pots at the end didn"t go my way, hey ho all part of the fun, again just plonking bits of cash on when and where I fancy a game, bank account looks a bit erratic, but more has definitely gone in than gone out this month so its all ok.

Played 3 x live this week one final table and a cash which effectively paid for the other 2 games so a break even week, but still a profitable month so far.

if I had binked one of the above may of seriously given Vegas a thought but it didn"t happen, still got the following on the walls to remember the winning days.

Where the heart is

In his footsteps

You"ll never walk alone.

I have sent a note to my son not to give them to the local jumble sale when I pop off as they may be worth a bit of cash
or as my poker exploits they could be worth a lot less, variance innit.

The photos don"t do them justice, they do look really good on the wall, I have 2 more in line when I next win anything significant or when my son decides to repay his loan, bloody kids, thanks for reading, run good, be lucky, stay healthy,


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Re: The Fossil does Vegas
« Reply #794 on: June 24, 2016, 16:55:26 PM »
So we end June with it being my most profitable month of the year so far, (would have to go on a big bender in the next week to lose it),  still too many min cashes for my liking, but cashing is always better than not.

Weird game last Sunday, never been involved in so many pots and my stack was as swingy as a thing on swingy thing.

A few highlights, lost with KK v 95, lost with a flopped straight v a rivered full house, obviously had 2 pair on the flop by his bet, paid him off on the river even though I shouldn"t as I knew he got there, he tells me off for playing so bad.

The turn around came with 55 beating 66 and AJ on a Ace high flop, then losing with JJ v 10 8 on a J97 flop, bloody live poker, it"s rigged I tell you, then 10 10 beats AJ and QJ, fun times, cashed for £280

Final tabled Tuesdays game, min cashed again not a lot to talk about to be honest, it"s not like I am just sat there waiting for premiums, played aggressively, just didn"t happen, doubled up the super short stacks, after calling their 5 big blind shoves with virtually any 2 cards, ofc they usually hold, almost got back into I when I binked a set with 33 v AK, but alas my KK couldn"t hold v A5, so plodded off with another min cash.

Not sure about the state of the game on Teesside at the moment, there has been £2k worth of overlays over both casinos in the last 10 days, not sure how long this will be allowed to continue, people usually hanging on to see if guarentee is going to be met then late reg the game, surely if everyone gets there early the players build the pots, players up here seem to want everything for nothing.

No doubt when all games are gone they will be first to have a moan, players make the games and pots, casinos just provide the facilities, tbh poker players like me are not in their interests, only pay the reg fee, very rarely if ever donate to the house games.

Fun times in the big $22 losing a 400k pot with QQ v JJ last night, I was about to go off on one then realised a few hands earlier my 99 bettered villains AA, got to remember we also suck out, I did have a mini rant though to myself, but in the end it"s futile, still got a few more goes at the big $22 over the next few nights.

Latest piece of Art ordered, this weeks winnings covering 3/4s of the cost, son repayed some cash back so why not, only 1 more piece after this one then my walls will be full and my art spending will probably come to an abrupt halt, might have to give the fish some attention as the tank has taken a back seat of late, Susan wants it gone, may relocate it to the back room, to be decided.

Slightly off topic saw an absolutely top notch gig in Newcastle earlier in the week, (not all about the poker).

Sun Kil moon is the artists name and if you have a listen his album Benji from 2014 really is top notch if you fancy a listen, it"s not a happy album but the subjects he sings about he really brings to life, if I was any way talented musically would pretty much be this guy, touches a button.

Had a nice little touch of Sky this week as well, somehow negotiated a deal which sees me get the full package with Sports for less money than I was paying for a basic package, not sure how I done that one but will take it for our re integration into the Premier league next season, aware I can see most games via PC and android box but for what I am used to paying will take it, fro some reason Susan has become a Tottenham fan and she hasn"t the patience to find streams with buffering and Russian commentaries.

I made a post re never going back to Sky on Facebook and I admit it, sucker for a deal, why cut your nose off to spite your face.

Anyway here is the latest piece about to be brought to chez erimus. Happy pokering, run good, be lucky stay healthy