Played the £10+£10+£10 at G last night.
Cruising along with FatTightStu and Brian "Fossil" Harland at my table till the break.
Lovely moment when I called pre, called xxxcc flop and xxxxcc turn against one of the Gala regs with no pair no draw and then didn"t even need to raise the river when the club fell because he check folded...
Got moved after the break and ran AJ into KQ all in pre...
Happily The Fossil made it to the point where the final three chopped the pot.
Unhappily FatTightStu didn"t.
Shifted to the cash table which was great fun. The .25/.50 game at G is, shall we say, mostly unsophisticated.
I"m not a great cash player, but versus most of this table I feel like Tom Dwan. Postflop is so easy and seeing a flop generally pretty cheap so calling pre oop and raising in position with virtually atc becomes profitable. It becomes exceptionally profitable when you run like a god :-)
Even more unhappily Stu played cash and despite an inspired donk bet on an x KQ flop with 99 which got me to fold JJ he ended up passing his money on to less deserving souls.
A few hands in particular shone out...
The first where I raised

from the cut off - they are almost suited after all
Flopped a gutshot, turned the straight and got paid on the river
The second, two hands later when I raised

from MP and as the rest of the table considered their options I said "There"s only a slim likelihood that it"s 3 5 again". Oh how they laughed.
They were still laughing when the flop came 4 6 7..........
Still got enough of them to call flop, and one to call the turn, sadly she folded on the river having missed whatever draw she was chasing.
I limped EP with

telling the young lad who had straddled that I wasn"t raising because that was his job, but I would call if he did raise.
Someone else raised to £4 from £12.25 and sure enough straddler makes it £16 from around £75 and I make the call as does the OR who is now all in.
Flop is

and straddle moves all in for c £60.
I gave some thought to the situation and came up with a recollection of his shoving 88 on a 10 high board on Sunday, and his slowplaying big hands vs me in other pots. So, overpairs and sets unlikely, flush draw maybe, underpair likely.
He didn"t seem happy to see my cards when I claimed the pot, but he"ll be back. He"s one of the better players there.