DTD £500k Guaranteed Day 2
Once again I travelled with Brian and, having paused at Woodall Services for the obligatory mug of Starbucks Pike Place coffee, and to the ASDA in South Woodford, we arrived at DTD pretty much on the dot of the doors opening at 1.30
Having checked the seat draw I was delighted with the prospect of having Dan Morgan and Sean Belton (Zerofive on Blonde) in the seats to my left.
It was also good to note that Marcin Milde was to my right with a well over double average stack !!
Hand one - My SB.
Two folds to Deborah Rawson, who shoves her 66,500 over the line. Folds to me and I peel back the cards to see two lovely ladies peering back at me. Only Dan to act, do I want him in or out? His stack is pretty much the same as mine and I decide to flat call the all in and to call Dan if he overshoves. He doesn"t and Deborah"s King Jack improves with a King on the turn to reduce my stack to around 15 bigs, an M of 5.
Great start to my proposed deep run :-(
15 minutes later, having pushed with JJ and got no callers I push again sb into big vs Dan Morgan with AQ (it was a bonus to have a hand as strong as this and to be at the top end of my range) - he calls with K9ss and I hold for a double up plus the antes and we"re off on the rollercoaster.
The entire tournament I"d been playing with a stack that ranged from 12 to 20 BBs, rarely above 3/4 of average stack for any length of time. It seemed that every time I got close to that position something would go awry.
I lost count of the times I raised AK, got a caller and a raggy flop and had to fold. Some were cheap, but some I folded to a check raise which put a bigger dent in the stack.
The deuces kept coming too, with their friends which all seemed to be under 9.
When my stack slipped lower I timed my pushes well and it seemed that I got folds when I needed them and calls likewise.
EVentually we got to be hand for hand and luckily this fell at a time when I wasn"t under pressure. 3/4 average still being playable.
I"d moved tables early in the day and escaped from a pretty active group to play on a table where the 3bet was a rarity and given more credit. This suits me and although I still couldn"t get the stack to grow significantly I stayed away from being in just shove/fold mode mostly.
Finally, with the bubble burst I was moved to Table 14 - imagine my joy at finding that I had Alex Goulder two to my rght :s
Picked up chips with an all in pre AK>AQ and then a few hands later
Alex shoved from EP and I made a simple call with AQ and held to beat his A5
Close to average at that point with 500k at 8k/16k/1k
I chipped up to 800 vs an average of 650 over the next hour and then, having lost a few came the hand of the day
A scene setter first. Mark Elliott in Seat 2 had peeled a lot of my raises and 3bets and a few hands before he"d raised, peeled my 3bet and we"d checked down a Q J 10 8 10 board until he bet around a third of the pot on the river to show A10. I folded but it was generally felt that I must have had AA from my reaction on seeing his A10. I felt then that the peel wasn"t great and that it was likely that he"d have folded to a c-bet on most boards and that I could reasonably 3bet him fairly light.
So, he raises to 53k at 12/24/2 it"s folded to me (seat 6) and I 3bet to 92k from around 600k with

He peels........

, he checks, I bet he raises, I contemplate the situation for a moment, deciding if my flush outs are good, and the rest is history. (for new readers, he had AJo and I hit the

on the river)
I believe that a c-bet on any raggy low flop would secure the pot, and TPTK isn"t always the hand to call with here?
Regardless - reuslts ortiented thinking says Well Played Sir and I now have well over 1MM chips
Lee Taylor meanwhile in Seat 3 seemed to be getting my share of them Aces. He"d eliminated one player when his AA went all in pre vs QQ and held. He"d been active too, and had shown them again after a 3bet brought a fold from the original raiser.
He raises too 65k at 15/30/4, I 3bet to 110, he 4bets to 225... I"m not loving this, but KK is so far above the range he"s seen me 3bet with and surely he"s had his share of the rockets?
I look up at the dealer and announce all in. He calls before I can move my chips and sure enough, he"s got them again

An ace on the flop kills my hopes and I"m gone in 52nd position.
£1600 from a freeroll should be cause for celebration. It will be eventually.
One thing that was rather pleasing - during one of the breaks late on Sunday I introduced myself to Rob Yong. Once he"d worked out that I was "that guy" and was still in this tournament he told me that I "must have some game". I"m not so sure about that, three results isn"t much of a sample, but it was good to hear nonetheless.
What next?
UKIPT Newcastle online satellites appear to have finished but there is a live satellite at Aspers tomorrow. Five seats guaranteed in a £50+£50 format. If I fail to satellite I am contemplating selling some of my action. I"ve posted an interest thread .
DTD are announcing the next Grand Prix soon - that"s a must.
Satellites to the Monte Carlo will be announced soon too and that"s on the radar too.
In the immediate future though - Tuesday"s £10+£10+£10 at G gets sacrificed for the satellite and then so does the Thursday home game for the UKIPT if I play