Our normal evening routine was shot to hell last night. Normally I"d make us each a grand plate of food with all the sauces and gravies going. Not this time. Instead, I made chicken noodle soup for my dinner and offered to make Jack whatever he liked. He asked for soup too. Sigh. Normally I"d eat a mountain of ritz crackers with mine, but only had a fraction of the usual. He had none. Double sigh.
By 8pm the pair of us were starving! The bellies took it in turns to let out hunger pain noises the neighbours could probably hear. Usually this would be snack time. Either something baked, icecream or popcorn. We just kept waiting for the other to crack and in the end I decided on a bowl of cereal because I hadn"t had breakfast. He held tough and had nothing more for the night. Feck sake!
I"d signed up to a site a few years ago that keeps track of calories but never bothered to use it. Not this time. Every whole thing will be entered each day and calories counted. After the bowl of cereal, I went about filling in the day"s lot. 1,163 was my total. YAY! I"m trying to keep within 1,200 per day and managed to pull it off when I thought I"d been bad. From now on, the total will be kept in running. No more waiting until the end of the day. Much better for the mind if I know where I stand at all times.
I weighed myself again this morning. Keeping it a secret though. Not sure if Jack did, but I know he won"t tell me for fear it would step up my game. lol We"ll give you new weights once a week on the Monday.
We"re going grocery shopping in the next day or two and I"ve a whole list of things to buy. All based on the next week"s diet wars.