Not the sort of language I expect from someone who calls himself a Gent!
AGentingGent: dumb fish
AGentingGent: fkk you
AGentingGent: rigged up bs
Muftastic: good eve to u 2 sir
AGentingGent: dumb fkin prikk raising with nothing
AGentingGent: stupid fkin prikk
rathb0ne: you need to change your name I think
Crumli: nh Dave
AGentingGent: u need to change ur mrs
AGentingGent: dog
Just so u know what happened a short stack (the Gent) opens, 2 callers so I (as the big stack) 3 bet the pot and he goes all in for small change. So the 2 of us go HU to the flop.
His Monster hand was AQ my "dumb fkin prikk raising with nothing" hand was AJ.
I think the river was a Jack, but I was laughing so much I can"t remember.