Update on some responses I have had back
Suzanne Hayward suzanne66 Yes
John Patten kloobes Playing for another team (GNF)
Steve Archer LukeBox No
Neil Sillick NeilSlick
Stuart Greenan Sleeves141 Yes
Patrick Kelly ThePaster Playing for another team (GNF)
Holly Lamb hollbeans
Bob Bulman bobbymouse Playing UKIPT in Edinburgh the weekend before and will be sunning it up in Barbados with his winnings
Darren Moore ISeeDead$$ Playing Betfair Live in London
Steve Lavery lavski001 Yes
Stuart Pillinger sm2000p Yes
Jonny Mawer beezleboss15
Harvey McGivern thegamblershouse
Grant Saunders pokernuts07
Tom Steuart-Feilding tfeilding Playing for another team (GNF)
Sukanya Panyadee ice1119
Steve Penfold sential Maybe
Nurahan Harharah Rehan
Simon Tolly meyun
Frazer Bolt caetus Yes
Dann Williams URFugly Playing for another team (ITM)
Andrew Drago EATLARD No
Mark Baker GR8FLOP#1
Judi Edwards wilfuljoker Yes
Ken Broadwell ken1224 No
Jonathan Tice Lawjohn Yes