All monies received and we"re ready to go tomorrow.
248 entries today and expecting well over 300 tomorrow, possibly closer to 400 so the guarantee looks likely to be smashed.
Day 1a updates on Blonde have highlighted some, ahem, exceptional plays...
Like this, as reported by Tighty
As we hit the third level of the day after 8 levels
Alec Tindal limps
Neil Giblin raises
Tindall calls

Tc is checked

Tindal open shoves 20,000 into a 5,000 pot
Playing slightly more, Giblin calls with



to double Tindal up
Same orbit
On a board showing

Tindal shoves his 40,000 into 8,000 from the big blind
Kev Smith on the button faces a tough one with Aspades

and folds, to be shown Ahrt