Author Topic: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits  (Read 118195 times)

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Re: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits
« Reply #225 on: November 18, 2013, 00:22:34 AM »
7th :( AQ < 55 aipf

I actually suck at flips.
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Re: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits
« Reply #226 on: November 19, 2013, 00:15:30 AM »
Team Gotham - The Joker

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Re: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits
« Reply #227 on: November 19, 2013, 00:20:30 AM »
Sky poker was a better story tho!

Decided to 4 table some NL20 and play the £11 £2K gtd Bounty Hunter.

Now im not sure why the cash tables can be played on the new look, and MTTs only the old but that needs to be fixed.  The old layout is vile, and the new a lot slicker.

Managed to pure bubble the HH after the guy to my left just had it EVERY time.  One hand he flops quads and i decide its the time to make a really really thin value bet on the river to be clicked back.  I cant fold and get showed Quads. yuk.  I also lost a 15k pot in the 2nd level and missing 2 bounties with the OESFD on flop missing vs Top Top and Top pants.

Bounties left me in profit but not a lot.

Cash went well and there was a villian whom had about £70 in front of him and was woeful.  Value towned that guy for lots and ended the session up just over 2 buyins.

Also played a £3 aipf satty for the £52 UK sat and bust.

Profit/Loss on the day: +£41
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Re: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits
« Reply #228 on: November 21, 2013, 00:19:59 AM »
Winding down a pretty good 90 min session on Sky although i did just time out in a £30 pot on river.

Pretty sick, as villian 3bs pre and i call OOP with AQ. Flop A high and a flush draw.  I chk call flop and same on turn but purposely time bank to induce a barrell on river.  Blank river and i chk again....he bets....i click call but nothing happens!!!

I time out and he shows the club draw...sigh.

Set it up, and laggy pc cost me the monies!!

Villian was owed the money tho as earlier he decided to flat my 4b with KK when i had JJ and i was getting it in.

So results time:

Played the £5.50 timed game and didnt win a pot.

3 tabled NL20 and 1 tabled NL30 for about 90 mins and ended +£80ish

Same again tomorrow we hope!!

I love Sky Poker, soooo soft.  Although did find myself on a few tables with Chris....eeeek

In honour of Alfonso Ribiera"s appearance on IACGMOOH, this is todays run good gif.

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Re: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits
« Reply #229 on: November 22, 2013, 01:01:32 AM »
The boy does have moves.
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Re: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits
« Reply #230 on: November 22, 2013, 23:13:16 PM »
The Project

Not sure if i have mentioned this, but somebody acquired a very poorly poker table in need of a good home this week.

Being the caring citizen that i am, i duely obligied and enlisted the help of my brother to get it to my house. 

Now....i drive a Ford Puma, and for those that know the car also know that a Poker Table is NOT fitting in there at all.  No problem, i thought, ill borrow my brothers Honda Civic to get it in to.....Oh wait! F*ck! Still doesnt fit.

We then had to borrow my Brothers StepDads car (long story) and finally got it back.  WOOOOP.

Cant belieive i have to thank my promicious father for all this, as without his inabilty to keep only women i would be brotherless who, in turn, would be stepfatherless, and more importantly i would be poker tableless!!!

Anyways, i have included some pics although you guys

Now i know what you guys/gals are thinking, and dont you worry.  Being the shrewd businessman that i am, i didnt have to pay any extra for the mould!!

I know its pretty vile but its gonna be a great project to keep me busy.  It does, however, need to be ready for Dec 21st when i host the monthly homegame so pressure is on!
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Re: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits
« Reply #231 on: November 22, 2013, 23:14:44 PM »
get on fb
TEAM GOTHAM (Robin....ffs)


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Re: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits
« Reply #232 on: November 23, 2013, 01:35:30 AM »
Not the greatest day at the tables on Sky today.

Started off like a steam train (woo woo) only to start to fall off the cliff.

Got stacked for 4 buyins in the end of the session and all pretty sick.

KQ < 99 om QQx9x when most of the money gets in on flop, he raises flop and then hits the gin turn
55 < QT on x5QQT - Money in on turn
K5 < 88 on 46787 - Money in on turn
77 < 28dd on 3947dd - Money in on turn

These were the four most prominent in my mind.

Also ran into a lot of spots that, again, are unavoidable but just costly.  Seemed that whenever i got floated the turn/river was just smacking their range.  Add to that the annoying abilty of not being able to get bluffs through and not connecting (in 3b pots) with any of my flopped Flush or Straight draws.  Goes like that sometimes.  Not sure how we can get 3 way in a 3b pot and flop a set on AK5 or AQ6 with the bottom set and get no action

Nobody likes to book a losing session, but sometimes its unavoidable.

-£50 today

Big UpsideDown Smiley Face

Overall P/L for Sky Poker this month is still a healthy £170 so not the end of the world.  Just glad its the end of that session.

Funniest moment is when told to move to this juicy table, the value busts the first hand i sit, and then i get stacked 2 hands later in the KQ v 99 hand above lol.


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Re: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits
« Reply #233 on: November 24, 2013, 23:19:31 PM »
I am not happy :(

Missed a £1k Sky seat for the 2nd week running by 7 places after a rTard, with J4 and K3, decimated me.

Was close to decent scores in a few, including QQ < AJ aipf in the boss 3k with 20 left.

S"pose for £11 its pretty good to get that close, but im not interested in close! Im interested in £1k!!!!

Once i lock one, i can then grind them as for £1k additions to the BR
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Re: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits
« Reply #234 on: November 27, 2013, 21:10:11 PM »
Interesting night so far:

So far on Sky Poker:
Sattied into the £6k gtd rebuy for 60p
Sattied into the £4k BH for £6
Already stacked a reg on the Master Cash (200bbs)

Also got Top 50 in the 3r on Stars

Got some other games to go this evening, but feeling pretty pumped :)
Team Gotham - The Joker

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Re: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits
« Reply #235 on: November 27, 2013, 21:42:16 PM »

Interesting night so far:

So far on Sky Poker:
Sattied into the £6k gtd rebuy for 60p
Sattied into the £4k BH for £6
Already stacked a reg on the Master Cash (200bbs)

Also got Top 50 in the 3r on Stars

Got some other games to go this evening, but feeling pretty pumped :)

Bah, that"s nothing

Boss 666gtd, ITM 10 euro locked up
Boss 350gtd Freeroll ITM 31cent  :P
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Re: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits
« Reply #236 on: November 27, 2013, 21:58:29 PM »
For every good hr, there is a bad hr.

We have rebought and added on in the rebuy only to lose half the stack with KK v ?? when villiand jams the turn A.

Was down to 500 chips in the £55 BH when 99 < 55 for a bounty

TT < A3 for stacks on cash, as well as having KK v 89 on 88844 for stacks too lol

Time to turn the screws.  Back up to 2k in the £55 and cant get going in the £11r or £11BH
Team Gotham - The Joker

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Re: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits
« Reply #237 on: December 05, 2013, 19:54:14 PM »
Hey Guys,

Ive entered the SkyPoker #truthorbluff competiton, to win a £1.1k Sky Poker UKPC seat.

I would be eternally grateful if you could RT/Spam this on twitter/FB etc, and if selected for the final stages a vote on the Sky Poker Forums would be grand!!

Thanks in Advance
Team Gotham - The Joker

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Re: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits
« Reply #238 on: December 12, 2013, 14:26:47 PM »
Good Afternoon Sports Fans, Dribblers and Slugs alike.

Poker has been very quiet for me the last month or so, sometimes due to Roulette taken favour and sometimes due to laziness on my behalf.

I do, however, plan to take 2014 very seriously on the felt.

Almost finished building the Poker Table, which will get it first use on the 21st, in my favourite homegame of the year.

In Dec i will also be playing a day or 2 of the Sky UKOPC, and prob sell a bit for you lovely people :)

In the New Year, i will be targeting my main focus of Sky Poker Cash Games as well as hammering sats for a multitude of festivals.

Sky UK Champs
DTD Grand Prix (time to best go better than 51st/28th from last 2 years)
25/25 Series (prob start with Soton with TG)

As well as the rest of the APAT stops.

In other news, we had a slice in Batman in his 25/25 shippppp!!! :)

Guy was so overdue, and am chuffed for him.  Although i feel this means that i will be getting abused more in the TG house, due to results.

Team Gotham - The Joker

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Re: Grown Men, Alter Egos and Comic (Book) Poker Exploits
« Reply #239 on: December 12, 2013, 14:41:20 PM »

Good Afternoon Sports Fans, Dribblers and Slugs alike.

Poker has been very quiet for me the last month or so, sometimes due to Roulette taken favour and sometimes due to laziness on my behalf.

I do, however, plan to take 2014 very seriously on the felt.

Almost finished building the Poker Table, which will get it first use on the 21st, in my favourite homegame of the year.

In Dec i will also be playing a day or 2 of the Sky UKOPC, and prob sell a bit for you lovely people :)

In the New Year, i will be targeting my main focus of Sky Poker Cash Games as well as hammering sats for a multitude of festivals.

Sky UK Champs
DTD Grand Prix (time to best go better than 51st/28th from last 2 years)
25/25 Series (prob start with Soton with TG)

As well as the rest of the APAT stops.

In other news, we had a slice in Batman in his 25/25 shippppp!!! :)

Guy was so overdue, and am chuffed for him.  Although i feel this means that i will be getting abused more in the TG house, due to results.


No way u will get abuse for dave giving u the second biggest result of your year...none...none at all
« Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 13:11:13 PM by CW86 »
TEAM GOTHAM (Robin....ffs)