I haven"t played any of these for about a week, which is unusual cos I quite often play them every night, but I was away at the weekend and haven"t felt in the mood since. I"ll have another spurt soon. The exact time will be when I feel like it.
The staking is nicely mixed now. I could try to lose the balance of the original and then start afresh with the new receipts being a new stake, but that would be far too clean and simple. Instead I will amalgamate the various receipts into percentages of a combined roll and go forward from there, so anyone who has shipped is still a stakeholder.
The one thing I guarantee is that, either way, you will lose your investment. No-one will get any of it back. Be clear, when you send me cash, that you will never see any of it again.
Okay, the address to send to is the usual one on Stars. Thank You.