£3.30 UKOPS 1k BH AK v QQ for a top 5 stack, £1.13 bounty
£11.00 UKOPS 2k Turbo AKdd make nut flush on river of 810xx8 board. They have 810. Lost the min there. Then J10dd open ended straight flush draw on flop. Brick, brick. Get last 600 chips in with KJ into AK
£5.50 UKOPS 2.5k BH turbo A9 on 69k9 board, get it in against 810. 7 on river. would of been for 50k stack.
cashed £5.96 + 9.61 bounties.
£5.50 UKOPS 3k BH turbo A7 v 1010 aipf cashed £6.21 + £1.88 bounty
hot $11 shove 22 for 20 bbs into 1010