Pretty sure, barring a big bink, I will not be doing Vegas in 2014 but I do know that it"s (obviously) a popular, if not required, destination for APATers.
Now APAT/LPPL will be there during the WSOP 2014 (early June) Gerness has a significant birthday in October "14 and I" m sure that he can find some willing volunteers to assist in the celebrations,so you might want to factor that into your considerations.
So, why this thread?Well, a lot of the information in the previous Vegas Vengeance threads is now out of date. So, even if I can"t go, I keep my ear tuned pretty clearly to the Vegas "scene" and I like to think I"m informed.
Got any questions?...I"ll do my best.
I can point out some potentially money saving links and I"m sure that the "Contactmeister" Richard "Curlarge" Baker can help out too when it comes to group rates.
Ask questions, post your dates etc. and I"ll do my best to keep a central point going for useful information and ideas going here.