There are times when an event is inevitable, there are times when you just know something is going to happen and you can do feck all about it. Unfortunately poker delivers these moments more often than any other.
When you have AA and you pop in a meaty raise, you want a caller right? Of course you do. Then the flop comes down 6 7 2. You are still not worried, you are ahead right? But that little feeling comes in the pit of your stomach, did he hit a set? You think no, the God's would not be that cruel. He is first to act and he puts in a pot sized bet. You are still ahead right? You decide to put him to the test and jam the lot in. he calls in a heartbeat and shows J 10.
Still happy? After all you are 80% to win here. Well kind of, but those gremlins are back in the stomach, you just lean back and wait for the inevitable. And the software delivers with a turn of 8 and a little old river of 9.
You sigh and move on...