Now Margaret Ryan was a simple soul, who practically never left the village her whole life. When asked she would shrug and say "why?". There was no answer to that.
She was slight of build, but boy, could she eat. Her meals were of the simple kind meat, veg and loads of potatoes. When she sat down to eat the sparks would fly off the cutlery and steam would rise from the plate as fork to mouth was at the speed of light.
If you mentioned curries or pasta she would look you in the eye.
"Don't eat that foreign rubbish" she would spit
We were visiting my mother one summer and Gabrielle announced that she would cook a family meal and we of course invited Margaret to join us. Gabrielle was in the kitchen preparing and we were all in the parlour having a chat and the conversation turned to Margaret's dislike of any sort of sauce or condiment other that the base salt & pepper.
"So, you don't like garlic" says Marie
"Hate it" says Margaret
Bugger, I excused myself and went to the Kitchen.
"Gabrielle, what's for dinner" says I
"Chicken breast parcels baked in the oven" says she
"In what" says I
"Homemade garlic butter, why?" says she
"No reason" says I
This should be good then. The dinner was served and the chicken was dripping in garlic you could smell it a mile away. Margaret lifted the knife and fork and proceeded to devour the dinner in her usual fashion.
We waited for the inevitable grimace and were surprised when it was not forthcoming.
"Lovely dinner maam" says she
"Thank you" says Gabrielle
"So Margaret, would you ever even try a bit of garlic" says I
Well Margaret's forehead was beginning to get the sheen of the garlic as she replied.
"Never, it ruins the food" says she
"Have you ever tried it" says I
"No, and I have no intention of it" says she
Before Marie or Ger could open their mouth's I gave them a swift kick and a shake of the head, because they were laughing fit to bust and were about to spill the beans.
"Aye it's overrated" says I
"You fecking eejit Margaret, you've just eaten loads of it" says My Mother
"That wasn't Garlic, that was chicken" Margaret smugly replied
Gotta love her -- Priceless