Every once in a while the way banks try to protect your security on line gives me a nice safe warm feeling. I get numerous emails from such nice people.
HSBC noticed someone trying to access my account and an incorrect password was entered three times so my on line account was being suspended until I entered my details again.
Egg banking Plc politely told me I have one message waiting for me to access. Such a nice company!
Halifax plc are so in love with me that they need me to re enter my details as they had a computer glitch and need to reaffirm my profile.
Pity I don't bank with any of them, they sound very concerned about their customers.
Thoroughly enjoyed the on line experience last night the UK Satellite was fun until I ran QQ into Geo's KK, the Blonde PLO was a laugh and I finished 3rd in that. Full tilt delivered again with just over $200 profit from the 45 man $10+1 SnG's. Was a wee bit tired so didn't play any late night donkament cash, maybe tonight.
Premier League darts tonight. Now there's a game that is having a bit of a renaissance. The local Riley's have installed a Dart Zone recently and are enjoying increased footfall through the doors. Must dust off the old darts and practice in the spare room where the dart board is feeling a little lonely. Might just have a darts match in the house instead of poker. Hang on though that would mean the antagonists are armed, maybe not then.