I think the schedule is an excellent "back to basics" Season 8.
Regarding "Irishgate", I strongly believe and trust in Brendan"s understanding and knowledge of the Irish poker scene. I also believe in Tom's discussions with an Irish promoter to support the event. Perhaps if the two could get together and have a chat about the event, then the best solution would find it"s way into the schedule.
Nothing other than the venue and dates will be set in stone yet for that event, so let"s do what APAT do best. Discuss, listen and adapt where appropriate.
I think it"s great that the Season 8 venues are mostly different to those used in Season 7, now, if only the same could be said for the players.
Wouldn"t it be great if every APATer that was planning on playing an event this season could find the time to talk about APAT to someone new. Someone who may have an interest in poker, but not played a live event before. Maybe let them know about how they could satellite into an event, or just pick an event and go as a group.
Yes the poker scene has changed, and perhaps gone are the days of a new player turning up to an APAT event with it being their first live event, with very little online experience, with a crib sheet so they don"t forget the hand rankings, but we"ve all been there at some point in our poker lives, and when I listen to people say that "It"s not like the old days", I think a lot of that is down to the need for new faces, and for the old faces to lead the way and welcome people with a smile.
I think it all gets a little too serious at times. Yeah, there is money at stake. And there"s the shiny medals and ranking bragging points, but APAT always used to be about being the best place for new players to play live because they"d get treated with a proper welcome.
I won"t forget my first APAT event. Initially sat on a table with Alistair "Ironside" Fowler who wouldn"t shut up, and then got moved to another table with a bloke to my left who reminded me of Jim from the Royal Family. (Priceless)
It"s an old school tour, with none of your expensive overseas trips and cash tours that often scare the hell out of new players. Pick a venue, get a seat, turn up and play.
Exactly how it should be.