With the WCOAP drawing to a close we can all get on with speculation of what will happen in season nine and what we would like to see. I know that Tom, Des and the guys are well into finalising season nine so this will just be for fun but what would we like to see in an ideal world. Assuming we stick with the same sort of number of events and formats that we have had this season which Inthink has been amazing I would like something like this.
May - Welsh APAT Les Croupiers Cardiff
July - English Championship, G casino Manchester
August - Scotish Championship Alea Glasgow
October - European Championship Aspers Stratford
November - UK Championship (PLO Main Event), Stockton G or Aspers Newcastle
January - Irish Championship in Dublin
February - UK team Championship, G Coventry
April - WCOAP, Nottingham, Dusk till Dawn
Have a mini cash event at each event where it is viable, maybe just a 3 hour one on a Sunday morning. You could still run a PLO side event after it? If this can"t be done maybe just a cash table reserved for APAT players where a 25p/50p game can be played could even be self deal where players pay a small hourly fee to use the table.
Keep the online games as they are this year the Saturday (not Sunday) following the main event
Bring back the online league and allow players to form their own teams
Do something with OFC, not just an event at the worlds.
Move online sats to weekend night as more people can play
What would other people like to see venues, event whatever?