1.if in doubt player search the site see how many they are playing.
2 Sunday night majors , check to see if they are on UB AP full tilt
3 check connection strength [pokerstars]
4 i only look for patterns in timing in raised pots eg utg raise , a normally quick player just pauses when a ace comes on flop,most of the time its because they are not happy to see it,with some players it is only a brief 1 sec pause but it is discernible.
5 same as above but in reverse with some players,its the card they want to see.
6 dont put faith in timing tells for everyone , but for players that it does apply to,note it for future reference.
7 same as anything , practice and experience help in picking up subtle timing tells.
8 timing tells are only a small part of your armoury in picking up styles and patterns in your opponents plays.
9 also when involved in a pot it helps to have position on your opponent when picking up on timing patterns,when they have position on you i tend to find timing tells are unreliable.[if they are 1st to act i find it more reliable]
10 use auto buttons to confuse and set up future plays on aggressive players.[think about it]