Author Topic: Suckouts or justified betting  (Read 6816 times)

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Suckouts or justified betting
« on: December 17, 2008, 12:15:42 PM »
within the space of half a dozen hands

$5 30 man SnG
Hand 1

Seat 1: InspMario ($1,480 in chips)  
Seat 2: gorv1x ($1,230 in chips)  
Seat 3: Monsemann ($3,420 in chips)  
Seat 4: jboags1 ($3,030 in chips)  
Seat 5: ritont13 ($1,390 in chips)  
Seat 6: l0ng5hank ($1,390 in chips)  [ AS,TS ]
Seat 7: paati ($1,310 in chips)  
Seat 9: birdfloo ($1,480 in chips)  
Seat 10: Tombuschke ($1,500 in chips)  

birdfloo posts small blind ($10), Tombuschke posts big blind ($20).

InspMario calls $20, gorv1x calls $20, Monsemann calls $20, jboags1 folds, ritont13 calls $20, l0ng5hank calls $20, paati calls $20, birdfloo calls $10, Tombuschke checks.

FLOP [board cards: 5H,3D,TD ]
birdfloo checks, Tombuschke checks, InspMario checks, gorv1x checks, Monsemann bets $100, ritont13 folds, l0ng5hank calls $100, paati folds, birdfloo folds, Tombuschke folds, InspMario calls $100, gorv1x folds.

TURN [board cards: 5H,3D,TD,AD ]
InspMario checks, Monsemann checks, l0ng5hank bets $340, InspMario bets $680, Monsemann folds, l0ng5hank calls $340.

RIVER [board cards: 5H,3D,TD,AD,AC ]
InspMario bets $300, l0ng5hank bets $590 and is all-in, InspMario calls $290.

l0ng5hank shows [ AS,TS ]
InspMario shows [ QD,JD ]
l0ng5hank wins $3,000.

think i got lucky here, maybe shouldve raised the flop instead of calling to price out any flush draws and feel i played it badly especially on the turn

Next hand 2

Seat 1: InspMario ($90 in chips)  
Seat 2: gorv1x ($1,210 in chips)  
Seat 3: Monsemann ($3,300 in chips)  
Seat 4: jboags1 ($3,030 in chips)  
Seat 5: ritont13 ($1,370 in chips)  
Seat 6: l0ng5hank ($3,000 in chips)  [AS QS]
Seat 7: paati ($1,290 in chips)  
Seat 9: birdfloo ($1,460 in chips)  
Seat 10: Tombuschke ($1,480 in chips)  

Tombuschke posts small blind ($10), InspMario posts big blind ($20).

gorv1x folds, Monsemann calls $20, jboags1 folds, ritont13 folds, l0ng5hank bets $90, paati calls $90, birdfloo folds, Tombuschke folds, InspMario folds, Monsemann calls $70.

FLOP [board cards: 6D,AC,3D ]
Monsemann checks, l0ng5hank bets $300, paati folds, Monsemann folds.

TURN [board cards: 6D,AC,3D ]
l0ng5hank wins $600.

After my last hand and sucking out i didnt want to price in any diamond draws and bet accordingly

next 3

Seat 1: InspMario ($70 in chips)  
Seat 2: gorv1x ($1,210 in chips)  
Seat 3: Monsemann ($3,210 in chips)  
Seat 4: jboags1 ($3,030 in chips)  
Seat 5: ritont13 ($1,370 in chips)  
Seat 6: l0ng5hank ($3,210 in chips)  [ 2s 2c ]
Seat 7: paati ($1,200 in chips)  
Seat 9: birdfloo ($1,460 in chips)  
Seat 10: Tombuschke ($1,470 in chips)  

InspMario posts small blind ($10), gorv1x posts big blind ($20).

Monsemann folds, jboags1 folds, ritont13 folds, l0ng5hank bets $70, paati folds, birdfloo folds, Tombuschke folds, InspMario folds, gorv1x folds.

FLOP [board cards: none ]
l0ng5hank wins $100.

im probably been seen as a bit lose and aggresive at the moment and not really want to do my usual conservative style of limp in early to mid position with low pairs so i raise it again and happy just to take the blinds

Hand 4

Seat 1: InspMario ($60 in chips)  
Seat 2: gorv1x ($1,190 in chips)  
Seat 3: Monsemann ($3,210 in chips)  
Seat 4: jboags1 ($3,030 in chips)  
Seat 5: ritont13 ($1,370 in chips)  
Seat 6: l0ng5hank ($3,240 in chips)  [ JS,AD ]
Seat 7: paati ($1,200 in chips)  
Seat 9: birdfloo ($1,460 in chips)  
Seat 10: Tombuschke ($1,470 in chips)  

gorv1x posts small blind ($10), Monsemann posts big blind ($20).

jboags1 folds, ritont13 bets $100, l0ng5hank calls $100, paati calls $100, birdfloo folds, Tombuschke folds, InspMario folds, gorv1x folds, Monsemann folds.

FLOP [board cards: 6C,4H,JD ]
ritont13 bets $250, l0ng5hank bets $870, paati folds, ritont13 bets $1,020 and is all-in, l0ng5hank calls $400.

TURN [board cards: 6C,4H,JD,6D ]

RIVER [board cards: 6C,4H,JD,6D,JC ]

ritont13 shows [ KS,KH ]
l0ng5hank shows [ JS,AD ]
l0ng5hank wins $2,870.

think my play on the flop was poor and shouldnt have raised but after i did raise i cant fold when its only another 200 or so to go and after the call i put them on KK or QQ

personally i think i played like a donkey in these hands

then a few hands later

Seat 1: InspMario ($1,410 in chips)  
Seat 2: gorv1x ($2,210 in chips)  
Seat 3: Monsemann ($9,710 in chips)  
Seat 5: keufran93 ($2,700 in chips)  
Seat 6: l0ng5hank ($4,460 in chips)  [ 8S 8C ]
Seat 8: vilrof ($3,695 in chips)  
Seat 10: Tombuschke ($2,375 in chips)  

Monsemann posts small blind ($50), keufran93 posts big blind ($100).

l0ng5hank bets $400, vilrof folds, Tombuschke folds, InspMario folds, gorv1x calls $400, Monsemann calls $350, keufran93 bets $2,600 and is all-in, l0ng5hank folds, gorv1x folds, Monsemann folds.

wasnt sure to call - after a 4XBB raise and 2 callers then a re raise all in im surely looking at AA or KK - i was tempted to call but looking at the other stacks and monseman who has me covered  so i fold out of the way thinking that monseman or gorv1x will probably call- right or wrong?

tbh the way i played these hands are the usually exact opposite of how id usually play aggresively but trying out being more aggresive especially post flop


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Re: Suckouts or justified betting
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2008, 12:47:13 PM »
also after a bad beat and a JJ against AK im down to 1900 (1820 after posting)

Seat 2: InspMario ($6,515 in chips)  
Seat 3: happyraisy ($19,565 in chips)  
Seat 4: Monsemann ($8,750 in chips)  
Seat 6: tmacht1 ($260 in chips)  
Seat 9: l0ng5hank ($1,970 in chips)  [ AS QD ]
Seat 10: keufran93 ($7,940 in chips)  

l0ng5hank posts small blind ($150), keufran93 posts big blind ($300).

now anyother time im all in with short stack and AQ but im looking at seat 6 and he only has $260 left and the blinds are rising next hand - but i could be favourite but also could the BB could be justified in calling with almost any 2 connectors or face cards - previously i went all in with AK suited only to suck out to A7

i know its a weak play and had the small stack shoved - i"d call but i was thinking of the money places and the bubble


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Re: Suckouts or justified betting
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2008, 13:04:05 PM »
Hand 4: In a STT, I"d have folded AJo to a raise before me

As for folding AQo in the SB, there is no real shame in folding as its the money bubble in a STT (especially as 5th place is 2.5x your buy in). On the bubble in a big MTT its a standard shove FTW
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Re: Suckouts or justified betting
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2008, 13:15:05 PM »
yeah - i didnt like my call in hand 4 tbh

9/10 i"d fold it but after a good little run i got a bit carried away

shouldve been paying more attention with the 5X BB bet


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Re: Suckouts or justified betting
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2008, 13:23:46 PM »
Agree with rob, to an EP raise (Second to act) im insta mucking ajo and in hand one even though ive made two pair on the turn when the 3rd diamond comes with two other players in im probably check folding to any serious bet on the turn. If you call the flop ur praying a brick comes, just calling on the flop prob turned out to be the best play because if ud raised ur prob getting shipped on by the guy with two overs and a flush draw and then ud probably have had to fold.


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Re: Suckouts or justified betting
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2008, 14:08:36 PM »
what were the starting size stacks LongshanksED i only ask because of the -
Seat 2: InspMario ($6,515 in chips)
Seat 3: happyraisy ($19,565 in chips) size of stack here?
Seat 4: Monsemann ($8,750 in chips)
Seat 6: tmacht1 ($260 in chips)
Seat 9: l0ng5hank ($1,970 in chips)  [ AS QD ]
Seat 10: keufran93 ($7,940 in chips)  

and -
Hand 1

Seat 1: InspMario ($1,480 in chips)
Seat 2: gorv1x ($1,230 in chips)
Seat 3: Monsemann ($3,420 in chips) this size
Seat 4: jboags1 ($3,030 in chips)  this size and only 1 exit ?
Seat 5: ritont13 ($1,390 in chips)
Seat 6: l0ng5hank ($1,390 in chips)  [ AS,TS ]
Seat 7: paati ($1,310 in chips)
Seat 9: birdfloo ($1,480 in chips)
Seat 10: Tombuschke ($1,500 in chips)  

anyhows as said hands are played -
1 with 2 others in pot and 1 most probably called a flush draw on the flop , checking
here would of been your best play,re-evaluate on river
2 @ these levels / buy in with a strong hand like AQs i tend to favour raising 3x plus 1bb for every limper  [i"d cap my max to 5x though] the flop if you lead 2/3 pot will get the same job done
3 ok to raise these but a std 3x would be fine [try to keep raises within a more tighter range for pot size control and its harder for opponents to guess the strength of your hand] if only 2 or less callers,its ok to take a stab of 1/2 to 2/3 pot on the flop as it will be easy to get away from your hand if called or re-raised.
4 fold to raises, AJ gets you into much trouble, ok to raise though if 1st to act in the pre flop action
5 good fold - for the reasons you stated - again i dont like the 4x raise , when @ 50/100 and above with your stack 2.3 to 3bb raises are fine


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Re: Suckouts or justified betting
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2008, 15:37:03 PM »
starting stacks where 1500

happyraisy took around 8000 chips off me in the JJ and AK  hands previously and the bad beat before that


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Re: Suckouts or justified betting
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2008, 15:37:47 PM »
tut tut noble1.....not like you to miss the obvious details...

Its a 3 table SNG with 1500 starting stacks (so 45K in play)

It looks like on Longshanks table, someone has been busted and as a result of Ko"s elsewhere and balancing, another big stack has landed on his table
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Re: Suckouts or justified betting
« Reply #8 on: December 17, 2008, 16:00:18 PM »
what were the starting size stacks LongshanksED i only ask because of the -
Seat 2: InspMario ($6,515 in chips)
Seat 3: happyraisy ($19,565 in chips) size of stack here?
Seat 4: Monsemann ($8,750 in chips)
Seat 6: tmacht1 ($260 in chips)
Seat 9: l0ng5hank ($1,970 in chips)  [ AS QD ]
Seat 10: keufran93 ($7,940 in chips)  

this was final table at the bubble


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Re: Suckouts or justified betting
« Reply #9 on: December 17, 2008, 16:16:38 PM »
$5 30 man SnG


tut tut noble1.....not like you to miss the obvious details...

Its a 3 table SNG with 1500 starting stacks (so 45K in play)

It looks like on Longshanks table, someone has been busted and as a result of Ko"s elsewhere and balancing, another big stack has landed on his table

;D i read it quick and assumed it was $5 30c  why? because i skimmed it  :-[
i am a silly billy lol  ;D
« Last Edit: December 17, 2008, 16:28:15 PM by noble1 »


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Re: Suckouts or justified betting
« Reply #10 on: December 17, 2008, 16:24:37 PM »

what were the starting size stacks LongshanksED i only ask because of the -
Seat 2: InspMario ($6,515 in chips)
Seat 3: happyraisy ($19,565 in chips) size of stack here?
Seat 4: Monsemann ($8,750 in chips)
Seat 6: tmacht1 ($260 in chips)
Seat 9: l0ng5hank ($1,970 in chips)  [ AS QD ]
Seat 10: keufran93 ($7,940 in chips)  

this was final table at the bubble

AQ on the bubble 6 1/2 bb left , grit your teeth and shove , you need chips to win,
so forget all past hands that have lost and play the present and try to double up twice for a push at a high finish


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Re: Suckouts or justified betting
« Reply #11 on: December 17, 2008, 16:41:34 PM »
finished 3rd overall

and my AQ on the SB was called by 6 10 in the BB who had me well covered

6 10 folp killed me


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Re: Suckouts or justified betting
« Reply #12 on: December 19, 2008, 12:08:05 PM »
another hand from recently

same format 30 mand SnG

2nd level of 15/30 blinds

Seat 1: l0ng5hank ($1,440 in chips)  [ 9S 9C ]
Seat 2: Bellizar ($2,070 in chips)  
Seat 3: PokerQ888 ($2,510 in chips)  
Seat 4: kalaap ($1,670 in chips)  
Seat 6: TomTheEdge ($1,970 in chips)  
Seat 8: pontosgr ($380 in chips)  
Seat 9: ENIL_PICS_ID ($1,190 in chips)  
Seat 10: micka1703 ($1,360 in chips)  

TomTheEdge posts small blind ($15), pontosgr posts big blind ($30).

ENIL_PICS_ID folds, micka1703 folds, l0ng5hank bets $120, Bellizar calls $120, PokerQ888 calls $120, kalaap folds, TomTheEdge folds, pontosgr bets $350 and is all-in, l0ng5hank folds, Bellizar calls $260, PokerQ888 calls $260.

FLOP [board cards: TD,9S,2D ]
Bellizar checks, PokerQ888 checks.

TURN [board cards: TD,9S,2D,2C ]
Bellizar checks, PokerQ888 checks.

RIVER [board cards: TD,9S,2D,2C,3S ]
Bellizar checks, PokerQ888 checks.

Bellizar shows [ KS,JD ]
PokerQ888 shows [ QH,AS ]
pontosgr shows [ 3H,4D ]
pontosgr wins $1,275.

again to me this seemed weak to me but with 2 live players to act behind me who flat called my bets i took this as my queue to leave as i still have a good portion of chips left - should i have been heads up when i raised when pontosgr shoved, i"d have made the call but not in a possible 4 way pot


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Re: Suckouts or justified betting
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2008, 13:17:07 PM »
In SNGs I treat medium pairs as low pairs so may limp to see a cheap flop.
Raising is fine too and folding with these players to act is not weak but preserving chips.
If you had have called you would have been pot committed.
Shoving is not the worst here but at this level 2 overcards are calling you here and you dont want to be flipping this early

Dont be feeling sick about the 9 coming on the flop; the pack is shuffled at random so calling / shoving would not have guaranteed you a winning boat.
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Re: Suckouts or justified betting
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2008, 14:13:14 PM »
with the short stack to your left and your position,i"d limp in this situation,if your intrested in sngs and you want to explore icm here is a link that i used a lot when i reviewed my hands.Also if you google sitNgo wizard on there home page you can download a 30 day trial that met open your eyes up to equity and icm and basing ranges of hands to opponents [when i used it i found that from estimating hand ranges that my actual hand reading improved] it is well worth a trial.

also an explaination of icm -

seems daunting at first but the sng wizard will help a lot

edit - link for wizard -