Author Topic: Honesty at the table??  (Read 30673 times)

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Re: Honesty at the table??
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2009, 11:11:21 AM »
This thread seems to have taken a tangent slightly.

With reponse to the original poster.

I watched the hand in question closely. You were all in and the calling player had called with most of his. I remembered thinking, Thats more or less crippled him after the pot was awarded to you.

The dealer awarded the chips and the next hand began quickly with me in the BB.

Everyone folds apart from the previous losing player who calls to me. I notice you are still counting your chips.

The dealer then awards the pot to the caller and gathers cards together. I still have my cards in front of me and the caller is holding tightly to his saying nothing.

You then rightly point out that you were short changed from the previous hand. I look to the stack of the player still in the current hand and notice he has more chips than he should and is still healthy.

The TD is called and says its no late to do anything about it as the hand is over. I heard you continue to protest, after the TD leaves however the benefiting player reiterates that the TD said it was too late for a ruling and did not offer to sort out the problem. The current hand was then sorted out and we continued the game. I feel the player who had been awarded too many chips clearly knew this was the case and had an opportunity to be honest. He chose not to be.

With regard to the abusive player. This player was behaving as bad as ive seen in an APAT event from the first or second level. Quite rude and very aggresive. It seems obvious and sensible to ban this player in some way, however I am disappointed that everyone has to suffer this the whole weekend before some action can be taken.

Intially this player was shouting and screaming at the top of his voice and being very aggressive to another player who he sucked out on. The whole table was disgusted by his behaviour and comments were muttered. The dealer had to intervene to calm the situation, however I feel this was the opportunity to involve the TD and perhaps give this player a stern warning or a 20 minute break from the table. I would like to see appropriate on-the-spot penalties introduced for future APAT events, with perhaps a 3 strikes and youre out rule.

With regard to the Gala Maybury pies, I think the less said the better.

Other than this I enjoyed the weekend. Thanks to everyone for making it a good one.

« Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 14:45:30 PM by coprey »


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Re: Honesty at the table??
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2009, 13:04:53 PM »
I would also like to add a little bit Re: Neil's comments

Jim was totally out of line and offended many people. Drunk or not there was no excusing his behaviour (I also had too much to drink that day but would like to think I managed through the day without offending anyone).

I heard his outburst before the SNG whilst I was playing out another SNG in the same room and was disgusted by his behaviour. My compliments to Rich on showing such restraint with his handling of the situation.

My compliments also to Neil for cutting his night short to remove Jim from the casino and attempting to get him back to his hotel which unfortunately resulted in Neil also having to suffer verbal abuse.

I'm relieved to hear that steps have been taken to ensure that he will not be able to repeat his disgraceful conduct at any future event.

Anyway other than the above I really enjoyed the weekend and look forward to seeing everyone again at the Worlds  :)
How can you call that.... you should have bet more...... I was all-in...... well you should have had more to bet.


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Re: Honesty at the table??
« Reply #32 on: July 21, 2009, 13:07:52 PM »
Thank you all for responses and glad that we have flagged a few key issues that can hopefully be amended in future events. This was my first APAT event and I look forward to competing in many others. I enjoyed the time I played and making it to 33rd (or there abouts). Apart from these few issues that have been brought up the other players I met we"re all friendly and polite and I thank them for a most enjoyable game.

Look forward to seeing you all at the table someday.


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Re: Honesty at the table??
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2009, 13:17:29 PM »
I had another great weekend.  Yes, there were a few idiots trying to spoil it for others (and from the sound of things achieved that, which is a crying shame), some of the dealers were shocking, the buffet on the Saturday was, well, inedible - BUT, it was great to see many of the same old faces, meet some new ones, and I even appreciate the bringing forward of the dinner break to ensure I was still in come the break.

Tighty and Des (and the others from APAT who help run these events/delete update threads) again did a great job and I don"t think anyone blames them for the inadequacies of the Maybury or for the behaviour of a couple of idiots.  If it was up to me, APAT will find an alternative venue for next year.  Preferably in England ;).

As for the hand in the OP, if the recipient of the extra change realised the mistake and then tried to profit from it he should be ashamed.  If it had been me, I"d have returned the chips even after the TD had ruled that it was too late and nothing could be done.  I echo George"s comment about Geo.  A true gent and a proper APATer.  I"d like to think that 99% of the APAT members would act in the same way as Geo did.

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Re: Honesty at the table??
« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2009, 14:13:35 PM »
I was on table 2 and  wittnessed the hand. The recipient of the extra chips made the final table. He made it very obvious that after the ruling he would not be relinquishing his extra chips.

I was also the other lady on the recieving end of Jims behavior. It did get very embarrassing and fortunatley Pete did only give him verbal back and stayed relativley calm. I agree that after Tighty had refused him entry to the sit and go with Gala staff present they should have intervened and removed Jim themselves.

The food was the worst I have encountered at any poker tournament.

Apart from the above I really enjoyed the weekend it was great to meet up with old friends and we made some new. But unless the Scottish has a change of venue for season 4 Pete and I will not attend.

Roll on the worlds and Dublin next year.


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Re: Honesty at the table??
« Reply #35 on: July 21, 2009, 14:58:29 PM »
Lol at every one moaning about the food, its free ffs.


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Re: Honesty at the table??
« Reply #36 on: July 21, 2009, 15:06:56 PM »
It should still be warm and edible ffs.

It was astounding that it was so bad at the weekend. During Season 2 (Regionals and National) the food was very good as far as free buffet food goes.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2009, 15:09:01 PM by lukybugur »


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Re: Honesty at the table??
« Reply #37 on: July 21, 2009, 15:28:03 PM »

It should still be warm and edible ffs.

I suppose thats what you get for taking poker in to the colonies  ;)


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Re: Honesty at the table??
« Reply #38 on: July 21, 2009, 15:39:40 PM »

I had another great weekend.  Yes, there were a few idiots trying to spoil it for others (and from the sound of things achieved that, which is a crying shame), some of the dealers were shocking, the buffet on the Saturday was, well, inedible - BUT, it was great to see many of the same old faces, meet some new ones, and I even appreciate the bringing forward of the dinner break to ensure I was still in come the break.

Tighty and Des (and the others from APAT who help run these events/delete update threads) again did a great job and I don"t think anyone blames them for the inadequacies of the Maybury or for the behaviour of a couple of idiots.  If it was up to me, APAT will find an alternative venue for next year.  Preferably in England ;).

As for the hand in the OP, if the recipient of the extra change realised the mistake and then tried to profit from it he should be ashamed.  If it had been me, I"d have returned the chips even after the TD had ruled that it was too late and nothing could be done.  I echo George"s comment about Geo.  A true gent and a proper APATer.  I"d like to think that 99% of the APAT members would act in the same way as Geo did.

im sure the **** cards me n u got really were the reason for us still bein in lol.


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Re: Honesty at the table??
« Reply #39 on: July 21, 2009, 15:44:46 PM »
you had a buffet at the regionals?

I haven"t played much APAT lately (too many clashes with other stuff) but the last APAT i played was the team event at Blackpool a year ago, if the food was worse than that then i really do pity you lol.

i guess the food is a minor point though and find it a bit sad reading through some of the posts regarding behaviour etc as most of the times i have played it has been a good atmosphere, it sounds like some people angle shooting on rules and others unable to control themselves is spoiling it for the majority. Hope the culprits feel suitable ashamed if this is true.

The standard of dealing makes you also appreciate DTD even more I guess, another event i can"t make "cos i will be camping in a tent for the weekend at the Leeds music festival.

Hope to play a couple towards the back end of the year and hope Des, Richard et al keep up the good work and aren"t put off by these isolated incidents.
Looking forward to making my first day 2


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Re: Honesty at the table??
« Reply #40 on: July 21, 2009, 16:06:07 PM »
The food may have been free to us but some one gave me the impression The Maybury was paid for it.


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Re: Honesty at the table??
« Reply #41 on: July 21, 2009, 16:40:53 PM »

The food may have been free to us but some one gave me the impression The Maybury was paid for it.

I heard from a couple in our group that the food the Maybury served in the restaurant was excellent. With respect to the buffet they served - it was by far the worst food I"ve ever had in a casino - those pies were just inedible. I tried to chew that lump of grey content, but it kept slipping out from between my teeth - then when I was holding the opened pie over my plate a stream of grease slid out - a good tablespoon full.   ewwwwwww  gagging again at the thought.

Whoever paid the Maybury for their efforts (BSQ?) was ripped off.  When I think back to the previous APAT games this season and make the comparison, the weekend at the Maybury came up short. Inexperienced dealers, TD who wouldn"t take control, excessive drunken behaviour away from the tables tolerated, cheating tolerated, personal abuse at the tables tolerated, horrible food, ropey chipset (multiple colours for 25 chip), and inedible food.

Walsall, Cardiff, and Dublin were streets ahead of the Edinburgh. DTD will be light years ahead - can"t wait.


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Re: Honesty at the table??
« Reply #42 on: July 21, 2009, 16:52:59 PM »
... the best bit about the chip set was that people had been eating the chips (presumably to get the taste of the pies out of their mouths) ... they were very special pies ... can we find out where to get more ... I believe they could have uses (in rodent control)?

I believe they taste better with some sauce!



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Re: Honesty at the table??
« Reply #43 on: July 21, 2009, 17:13:24 PM »

To me, if you have got to cheat to call yourself a winner, then you are only fooling yourself.
As far as the Maybury goes, it was by far the worse casino that I have played an APAT event in. Poor dealers, too many incidents allowed to pass unpunished......and as for the "Buffet".......well we BCPC players had to go for a dodgy curry just to get rid of the taste !!.....Thos pies MUST have been pinched from Hadrian"s Wall.
 I am not averse to a bit of fun, but Scouse gets banned for foul language yet players having had too many sherbets here can roll around the floor in the main bar area without even a word of warning ??
 Nothing against anyone involved personally but one wrong move or word and it couldv"e turned ugly IMO.
 Circus was much better and Steve and Paul McG will vouch for the cash-games there too.

Anyway, well done the APAT organisers once again and ROLL ON THE WORLDS.
i was the one rolling round on the floor but it was only in high spirit as the others was trying to get my gold medal off me and they wrestle me to the ground the bar staff found this very funny as did the people involved so for you to say that it could have turned ugly i find disappointing and slightly over the top


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Re: Honesty at the table??
« Reply #44 on: July 21, 2009, 17:15:00 PM »

... the best bit about the chip set was that people had been eating the chips (presumably to get the taste of the pies out of their mouths) ... they were very special pies ... can we find out where to get more ... I believe they could have uses (in rodent control)?

I believe they taste better with some sauce!


ye i fairly enjoyed some pie with my sauce!

had to cake the thing in it to digest it.

also no serving utensils for the likes of the chips :/