Author Topic: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???  (Read 14554 times)

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Re: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???
« Reply #45 on: October 05, 2009, 00:25:38 AM »
You going to Dublin hopefully? shaping up to be an epic weekend?


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Re: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???
« Reply #46 on: October 05, 2009, 00:47:34 AM »
In answer to the question.....


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Re: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???
« Reply #47 on: October 05, 2009, 10:20:15 AM »

You going to Dublin hopefully? shaping up to be an epic weekend?

FML he"s not going there as well is he and I was hoping for a nice quiet cultural weekend  ::)

To answer your question Steve .... No!! but I think I am in the same boat, so fry elsewhere  ;)

I was in the DTD deepstack at the weekend and spent a few hours on a table with Lawrence Gosney now if APATers think that Steve is a little loud and brash, get used to it and add it too your game because it happens at all levels.  All that Gosney said washed over me as I was taking his chips, just stick your ipod in and concentrate (this usually gives off the wrong perception that you are miserable but I can live with that  ;))

I"ve played on the same table as Steve and he is entertaining to say the least, I don"t agree with foul mouths at the table but I cannot remember Bayleaf being that abusive when I"ve been with him so maybe a faux pas.

See you in Dublin and Blackpool GUK Steve  8)
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Re: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???
« Reply #48 on: October 05, 2009, 12:46:06 PM »

You going to Dublin hopefully? shaping up to be an epic weekend?

FML he"s not going there as well is he and I was hoping for a nice quiet cultural weekend  ::)

To answer your question Steve .... No!! but I think I am in the same boat, so fry elsewhere  ;)

I was in the DTD deepstack at the weekend and spent a few hours on a table with Lawrence Gosney now if APATers think that Steve is a little loud and brash, get used to it and add it too your game because it happens at all levels.  All that Gosney said washed over me as I was taking his chips, just stick your ipod in and concentrate (this usually gives off the wrong perception that you are miserable but I can live with that  ;))

I"ve played on the same table as Steve and he is entertaining to say the least, I don"t agree with foul mouths at the table but I cannot remember Bayleaf being that abusive when I"ve been with him so maybe a faux pas.

See you in Dublin and Blackpool GUK Steve  8)

haha, lawrence cleans up round the leeds poker scene, i ended up on the final table in my first ever live game at a mental £10 rebuy...he just kept abusing me, mostly in jest mind! didnt realise who he was such a well known player until a few years later!

as for this matter...its starting to get a little boring

see you next year scouse, your a fantastic bloke...99% of the time you make apat the experience apat has become renowned for.

just dont put liverpool on in a casino again! ;)

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Re: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???
« Reply #49 on: October 05, 2009, 13:04:08 PM »

... you make apat the experience apat has become renowned for.

Jon "the British cowboy" Woodfield
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Re: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???
« Reply #50 on: October 05, 2009, 13:36:45 PM »
lol i actually quite like Lawrence, you just need to know how to take him or just ignore him.
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Re: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???
« Reply #51 on: October 05, 2009, 13:54:25 PM »

lol i actually quite like Lawrence, you just need to know how to take him or just ignore him.

Bit surprised to read this, cos I shared a table with him a few months ago and he never said a word.
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Re: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???
« Reply #52 on: October 05, 2009, 15:40:01 PM »

lol i actually quite like Lawrence, you just need to know how to take him or just ignore him.

Bit surprised to read this, cos I shared a table with him a few months ago and he never said a word.

Scared of you obv but he was on fine form on Saturday then when he bust out another Leeds player sat in his seat!!  I recognised the chiseled good looks but couldn"t place him then whispers went round the table "its the online legend that is SirPerceval" but he was just as easy as Gosney to take chips off but a lot quieter  ;)
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Re: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???
« Reply #53 on: October 05, 2009, 15:47:07 PM »
With regard to the wider issue of acceptable behaviour - there"s been some comments about just using an iPod if you"re uncomfortable with the language being used, but I don"t think that"s fair.  It"s not for the sociable to accept and or ignore the unsociable, is it?  The onus should always be on the anti-social person to make the adjustment surely?

I have a mouth like a Polish taxi driver but I do make an attempt to curb my language until I know for sure I"m familiar enough with the people around me that I can be confident it won"t offend and even then I try and reserve the really juicy swears for the bad beats or when someone"s farted.

With regards to Scouse, I think he either over-estimates how many people know him or know of him, or doesn"t care.  Let"s give him the benefit of the doubt and say he just forgets that there"s 1,000"s of APAT members now and only 200 at a time at any particular event so maybe Scouse in full flow is met by laughter from the handful of people in attendance who know him, the other 180+ react with a mixture of incredulity and fear.  

Jon MW

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Re: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???
« Reply #54 on: October 05, 2009, 15:52:30 PM »

With regards to Scouse, I think he either over-estimates how many people know him or know of him, ...


... you make apat the experience apat has become renowned for.


It"d be objectively sad to "lose" anyone from APAT live events but if Scouse decides not to go there are plenty of people to take his place. It won"t change anything about APAT or the APAT experience, it"s just up to him to decide whether he wants to or not.
Jon "the British cowboy" Woodfield
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Re: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???
« Reply #55 on: October 05, 2009, 16:34:18 PM »
He was really quiet on line last night, due to a dodgy connection!! And incidently because he couldn"t play his normal game finished with his highest place finish of the season!  ;)
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Re: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???
« Reply #56 on: October 05, 2009, 18:50:43 PM »

lol i actually quite like Lawrence, you just need to know how to take him or just ignore him.

Bit surprised to read this, cos I shared a table with him a few months ago and he never said a word.

Scared of you obv but he was on fine form on Saturday then when he bust out another Leeds player sat in his seat!!  I recognised the chiseled good looks but couldn"t place him then whispers went round the table "its the online legend that is SirPerceval" but he was just as easy as Gosney to take chips off but a lot quieter  ;)

chiseled good looks, online legend, easy to take chips off, quiet

Is there anything true in the above statement?  ???

oh yes, the bit about the chips!  >:(

As for Gosney, I played with him at the last Deepstack and he was quiet then also.


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Re: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???
« Reply #57 on: October 17, 2009, 11:42:00 AM »

As far as coming back to future events - yes  and yes again.  As a friend my advice is ...quieten down? - nah.... be more aware that some of what you say directly to people may be considered offensive by them. (I for one would not take kindly  to being called a retard by someone I dont know- as commented by another poster- wasnt there, so if that did occur tried to refrain). I personally feel that you have no wish to upset people its just that what would not upset you does upset others. You feel that people should tell you at the time -  not everyone is as assertive as you, and also standing up to the large(!) loud scouse bloke who you know is a member of her majestys armed forces (trained killer??) is not evryones first course of action. Just be aware that not everyone knows  you and that you are just joking, and a top bloke, and therefore may be a tad intimidated.

Rudds has said it all for me steve.
Make sure you come back, and see you next year.

btw at least you dont have worry about missing the liverpool v united game !!


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Re: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???
« Reply #58 on: October 18, 2009, 16:04:04 PM »
Firstly, Gosney.... what a complete pr!ck !!! Blackpool GUKPT £100 rebuy last year. After calling him down and doubling up I asked to see his cards and gave me abuse, saying I"d never play on a table with anyone as good as him ever again in my life!! WTF!!! (How wrong was he?!) Then took a further 3 lots of his rebuys before the table split up. Then at Newcastle GUKPT main event one of his sh!tstirring mates told him I"d written about it and he gave me more abuse so I told him that everyone who read my comments knows I think he"s a "t0sser" to which he offered me outside to which I replied "you really think Im scared of you, you fat c%$^?" He didn"t follow up on it! So first impressions can last as LG is the only person in poker that I wouldn"t mind losing from the game. One (one ffs) WSOP bracelet obviously went to his head. He was loud, arrogant, threatening and abusive and not in an amusing way.
I swore I wouldn"t be bullied by anyone ever again after leaving school but I rarely have to stand up to anyone, as adults are usually quite reasonable.

Secondly and more importantly your question Steve.
Should read "Scouse and APAT live events and alcoholic drinks do they mix???"

As a friend (maybe ex-friend if he takes this badly) I can pretty much tolerate all of the loudness, drunkenness and any kind of "banter" from Steve, but not everyone is as fortunate to know his manner or is as thickskinned as me or could answer back to such a big confident character. In a way, I could have gained from being on his table at the end of day2 at DTD but instead tried to play down his boisterousness, not use it to my advantage. GUKPT: different kettle of fish!

I"m all for an ever-evovling Code of Conduct which could be written on this site and doesn"t need to be too specific (eg any player behaving inappropriately, and/or receiving a warning and/or penalty, at an APAT event is liable to further sanctions or may be banned at the discretion of APAT for a period of their determining)

I was on Steve"s right for the last couple of levels on day2 at DTD and yes he was very loud, was warned to quieten down (which he did try to do, but alcohol levels made this a very difficult undertaking) but he did receive a penalty which kept him from playing the last round of hands, served his penalty and came back the next day and agreed to stay off the booze.

It was a long day of poker and the last 3 levels were a little(!?) too loud and constant (I got the feeling this was the real problem) but from what I heard not abusive. I know Steve can"t make a pint last as long as me (no-one can), but maybe fewer would solve the problem on such a long day of poker (but this is the responsibility of the individual). Maybe a couple of less toxic drinks between the beers?

Personally I"m all for alcohol-free events but are the other players and an even bigger question, are the venues?

As for the ban, I do not question APAT's reasoning or integrity, furthermore most players don"t give anyone the slightest chance to affect their eligibilty, some cut it much closer, you take your choice!

So my opinion is I can cope with it no problem but were it someone I didn"t know I may not be so tolerant (did any players or dealers actually complain to the TD?)

As said in previous posts we all have a duty to represent APAT in a proper manner, it seems alcohol is the usual common factor when it goes wrong (albeit in a very small % of cases)

Honest opinion, like it or lump it
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Re: Scouse and APAT live events do they mix???
« Reply #59 on: October 18, 2009, 16:52:39 PM »
Nice post John.

I promise when I win a bracelet next year I won"t let it go to my head  ;D