ATTACH BRA TO HEAD,put on lucky socks,wear your rupert bear undies any lucky superstition u can think of , this will lead to 100% success with AK.
I had two ladybugs land on me today, hopefully that means something good. Of course, I had a wasp land on me as well...I don"t want to know what that means,maybe my aces will get busted tonight..
If u learn to feel the entire energy of the cosmos and begin to perceive that it is prevalent in each & every thing (living or non-living), then this energy can be harnessed by you THEGUY84... please visit and obtain your wonder BRA...
you will begin to feel the harm/ evil effect of those bad beats can be warded off by practising/ following a few superstitions like attaching a BRA to your head.If u prefer to live in reality and think logically then AK will always lose flips and yes even when ure ahead pre flop if that BRA is not firmly attached...
So always remember -
no need to thank me for revealing this closely guarded secret..