I humbly request to not have another forum team championship, as a lot of APATers are excluded from these.
A lot of APATers are "excluded" from other live events by not being able to get a seat, not wanting to play "Speciality Games", travel issues etc..
The Forum Team Challenge is a means of spreading the news of, and drumming up interest in, APAT across the interwebz and in areas where it otherwise might not reach. And it"s only one comp. There are plenty of others.
There were 20 forums represented last time, not everyone who wanted to play from those forums (fora?) were chosed so they were excluded too.
I had, originally, excluded myself from my forums team (sorry, the forum to which I belong, not "my" forum) but was able to get in as a late sub. Not that I covered myself in glory going out second to a 2 outer on the turn.
In the end, the answer is simple, if you want to play in the team comp, join a forum, even the APAT forum would do, post more, become well known and get picked.