Time to put my two penneth in. Straight away let me say I side with the view that APAT have got it right in reducing the buy in to 10 bucks due to the doubling of the amount of tournements.
The forum is largely made up of the more vocal members of the association, indeed out of my own home game, 5 of us are APAT members and only 2 of us have played in the live APAT events and I am the only one that EVER participates in the forum.
The bankroll of our home game ranges from one non apat professional with tens of thousands in the roll, WSOP final table appearances and various European titles down to one whose maximum entry fee he pays online is 5 bucks.
The APAT events has given one his only ever live experience and 2 others there introduction to poker away from our home game by participating this week in the first online event of season 2.
10 dollars is in the reach of most members whatever their bankroll. Two 20 dollar tournements in one week can put some members with little disposable income at a tough decision whether to play 2 one or indeed not bother with APAT events at all. Their voices are very often not heard within the forum
More members probably play at the 5 dollar 3 dollar etc tourney level and

/20c cash than any other level using sound bankroll management.
I happily admit to playing very low level stakes both cash and tourney. Yes I have played the sunday million etcbut only if I have satellited in. I am fully aware that an awful lot of APAT members play at a much lower level than they would like to admit. My own experiences of running in to them in low level poker stars tourneys and tralling the pokerdb.com bears witness to this
10 dollars entry keeps the tournements within the reach of most players and i applaud the splitting into weekday and weekend tournements as this opens up the tourneys to players that work weekends (or have a drink or ten on a saturday afternoon!! hic!!)
Remember you do not HAVE to play EVERY tournement.
Lets keep APAT within the reach of all amateur players and not let it become elitist or clicky.
(Gets of High Horse)