Please post your full name and Blue Square ID here if you wish to represent Walsall Poker Club in the Online National League.
Where possible, try to choose the club most local to you for the season.
Once registered for a Poker Club you are unable to change clubs during the season.
Many thanks,
Current Member List
Forum ID | | Name | | Blue Square ID | | Points |
marcellharry | | Marcel Furet | | marcellharry | | 19 |
cincicrappykid | | Tony Trippier | | cincicrappykid | | 17 |
WYoung83 | | Will Young | | wyoung83 | | 9 |
BOINGBLITZ | | Brian Yates | | BOINGBLITZ | | 7 |
bigdwba | | Darren Hooper | | bigdwba1 | | 5 |
FOYIE1 | | Paul Foy | | FOYIE1 | | 2 |
wardy | | Marc Ward | | M0PHEAD | | 1 |
clynd99 | | Chris Baker | | clynd99 | | - |
bbmoney | | Bill Fenn | | XdawnX | | - |
Leeds Wolf | | Chris Deeley | | ?? | | - |
PokerDan1984 | | Daniel Heywood | | PokerDan1984 | | - |
WH1TEHORSE | | Carl Whitehouse | | WH1TEHORSE | | - |
Bartyuk | | Andrew Barton | | WassBarty2 | | - |
mwforre | | Matt Forrest | | Baggies1978 | | - |
ZeroTime | | Clive Padden | | ZeroTime | | - |
paspa2 | | Richard Davis | | ramjamrich | | - |
tc7777 | | Tony Clarke | | tc77777777 | | - |
robbo72 | | Steve Robson | | Dagiel | | - |
charliebean | | Adam Myatt | | Charliebean | | - |
fudgey | | Dave Fudge | | Fudgey1 | | - |
Ascot | | Dave Allan | | Confidemus | | - |
ThinkerJE | | James Edwards | | xThinkerJEx | | - |
Palosha | | Paul Halling | | PALOSHA | | - |
Zebediah | | Richard Latham | | BuggerMyLuck | | - |
DECOMAN 1 | | Chris Humphreys | | BoingBoing1967 | | - |
binny07 | | Rebecca Leach | | binny07 | | - |
12orls12 | | Martin Hall | | 12orls12 | | - |
greatpark | | Simon Eccleshall | | greatpark | | - |
payday65 | | David Whillock | | payday65 | | - |
Bacciocchi | | Adam Bacciocchi | | Rollem | | - |
PantsMan | | Andy Overton | | Jasmine_52 | | - |
willenhall | | Andy Humpage | | willenhall | | - |
gladiator2007 | | Stuart Langfor | | gladiator2007 | | - |
TARPARELLA | | Susan Tarpy | | TARPARELLA | | - |
VAS | | Jason Vassell | | SHOTTA9MM | | - |
iceman876 | | Steven Price | | iceman876 | | - |
AJDUK | | Andrew Duncan | | xxAJDxx | | - |
* | | * | | * | | - |
* | | * | | * | | - |
If you post your Blue Square id I"ll add you to the player list.