george if u goto your Hand Histories you can change the link [under show links] you can choose between with stats or without.
Watched with your cards covered [i get more of feel this way

] upto hand 199 so far and the only ?? i"d have is your sb play though u seem to tighten this up as it gets further [havent looked at your hole cards yet]
Forgot to jot the hand number down but ur in the sb and the flop is QQ5 2 diamonds 3way and u decide to check raise, i think with 2 others seeing the flop i met lead out here if i have a queen rather than risk villains taking a free card, the check raise screams i have a QUEEN as u had been so quiet upto then...[if crafty bluff nice1]
Hand 199 with the Ace xx monotone flop seems odd to overbet given bb and sb stack sizes .. TPWK ?? my guess,if so a std ish bet would get the job done imo maybe get them to brain fart a FD..
Have not really had a chance to see much postflop [i assume card dead] ...
I"ll keep skimming through it tomorrow....