Just a quick note on the videos. Currently available on
www.apatacademy.com are brief 1-3 minute clips from CardRunners videos which correspond to hand analysis found in Poker Player magazine. So the basic idea, is the pros give you their textual insight in Poker Player and then you go to APAT Academy and watch those same hands in real time.
In ADDITION, we will be providing a series of full length CardRunners videos created exclusively for APAT members. These will include a MTT and Cash videos, and I"m very confident that these will be well received. It looks like the first three or so will be live on APAT Academy within the next couple of weeks. There has been a delay due to some technical issues.
We look forward to providing you guys with some great analysis and advice over the course of the next year. I"ll check these forums regularly and answer any questions I can.