Author Topic: Is there any APAT WAGs?  (Read 6602 times)

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Is there any APAT WAGs?
« on: August 03, 2010, 01:49:13 AM »
It"s 1.41am and I should be sleeping ready for another day at work but I can"t... It"s only a few weeks until the WCOAP and I"m excited!!!

I played in APAT at Luton last year (my first one) and thoroughly enjoyed it, partly because I made it through to Day 2 and ended up finishing just outside the money in 26th place I think! Now I"m coming back for my second attempt in Nottingham (the DTD looks a fantastic set up and I can"t wait)................

Anyway, my point to this new thread is to find out if the are any regular APATers that have wives and girlfriends that tag along even though they have no interest in playing poker? I am considering entering more of these fantastic events and if there is a small group of WAGs that "hang out" whilst the boys play my girlfriend might be more easily persuaded!!!!  ::)

If there isn"t then maybe THERE SHOULD BE!!!

Long live the APAT WAGs  :P
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Re: Is there any APAT WAGs?
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2010, 14:31:45 PM »
Brian Yates has a few boyfriends that tag along if thats any help
GOLD NATIONAL ONLINE TEAM C/SHIP 09/10.  S1& 7 BCPC CHAMP/H/O Champ. BRONZE WCOAP 7 Card Stud 2009. BRONZE Scotish Online Omaha  2010 BRONZE Northern European NL  2010. APAT NATIONAL PUB CHAMPION 2011 SCOTTISH OMAHA  GOLD 2012. ECOAP SILVER WCOAP GOLD England Team 2013  National Online Champion 2013


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Re: Is there any APAT WAGs?
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2010, 14:55:55 PM »
I know of a mod on here that has been known to have a WAG  ;D

She never has to hang around very long though. (or at least that"s what she thought until he once luckboxed his way to a BRONZE~MEDAL!!!)  :o


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Re: Is there any APAT WAGs?
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2010, 15:32:57 PM »
I thought you guy"s would be helpful?!?!?!?!?  >:(

You"ll be telling me to teach her how to play next!!!!  :o

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Re: Is there any APAT WAGs?
« Reply #4 on: August 03, 2010, 15:56:25 PM »
I wouldn"t inflict a weekend of poker on my "WAG".  It"s OK if I was going to an interesting city and she can go out and see the sights (and the shops) whilst I"m playing.  But to ask her to hang around the casino with a bunch of degenerates (and Ger), that would be cruel.

Also, I like to play cash when I"m knocked out at 6pm. she"d want me to take her out somewhere nice...
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Re: Is there any APAT WAGs?
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2010, 16:30:31 PM »

I wouldn"t inflict a weekend of poker on my "WAG".  It"s OK if I was going to an interesting city and she can go out and see the sights (and the shops) whilst I"m playing.  But to ask her to hang around the casino with a bunch of degenerates (and Ger), that would be cruel.

Also, I like to play cash when I"m knocked out at 6pm. she"d want me to take her out somewhere nice...

But on the plus side.......Luton, Coventry etc. !!

Must be why my "significant other" stays at home.
The good thing is, she cleans the house when I"m away..... ;D
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Re: Is there any APAT WAGs?
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2010, 16:36:30 PM »
You could always teach her how to play  ;)

;D ;D ;D

The amount of good luck coming your way depends on your willingness to act.


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Re: Is there any APAT WAGs?
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2010, 16:40:12 PM »
LOL.....LUTON has the only high street in the country that doesn"t have a single pub !!

I try to get my WAG to come to APAT events but she declines, although she may be coming to the team event on the Friday as I told her she could play one of Tighty"s SNG"s if she did.

Deb Duncan and Maxine McKinlay are both talented BCPC WAG"s and both likely to still be playing deep into the main event, although Max often has to keep Matt under control after his eighth pint at around 6pm !!   Deb on the other hand, can play when husband Andy kills the moths and finds his wallet from a 3-foot deep hidden reinforced pocket in his trousers and gets out the £2 coin required to enter. 

As for Cincycrappykid"s BIATCH !!
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Re: Is there any APAT WAGs?
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2010, 16:54:53 PM »
OK!!! I"m getting the feeling that teaching her to play or leaving her at home is the only 2 options? (apart from the Luton event where instead I could just send her down the high street with a tenner and tell her to go for a drink in the pub! Should keep her busy looking for a few hours and still get ten pound change at the end of it.)

I guess I"ll have to leave her at home.... See you all at Nottingham, I"ll be the one with the mobile phone going off and saying "Yes dear!" every 15 minutes!!!!!  :o

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Re: Is there any APAT WAGs?
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2010, 17:12:13 PM »

I wouldn"t inflict a weekend of poker on my "WAG".  It"s OK if I was going to an interesting city and she can go out and see the sights (and the shops) whilst I"m playing.  But to ask her to hang around the casino with a bunch of degenerates (and Ger), that would be cruel.

Also, I like to play cash when I"m knocked out at 6pm. she"d want me to take her out somewhere nice...

blatant I have WAG post IMO


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Re: Is there any APAT WAGs?
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2010, 18:17:26 PM »
"Running hurts up to a point and then it doesn't get any worse."  Ann Trason


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Re: Is there any APAT WAGs?
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2010, 18:17:50 PM »

OK!!! I"m getting the feeling that teaching her to play or leaving her at home is the only 2 options? (apart from the Luton event where instead I could just send her down the high street with a tenner and tell her to go for a drink in the pub! Should keep her busy looking for a few hours and still get ten pound change at the end of it.)

I guess I"ll have to leave her at home.... See you all at Nottingham, I"ll be the one with the mobile phone going off and saying "Yes dear!" every 15 minutes!!!!!  :o

There"s definitely not a lot to do near DTD, other than eat or go to the pictures.  Nottingham itself is fine, but hanging round deeteedee for non-poker players must be hell. 

It"s probably one of my only criticisms of the place.  If they had a bar area where people could sit and chat and watch sport on TV, etc., it would be far better.  At the moment the bar area isn"t really conducive to sitting and having a drink, other than for a few minutes as a break or to listen to someone"s bad-beat stories after they"ve been knocked out of a tournament...
"Running hurts up to a point and then it doesn't get any worse."  Ann Trason


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Re: Is there any APAT WAGs?
« Reply #12 on: August 03, 2010, 18:53:46 PM »

LOL.....LUTON has the only high street in the country that doesn"t have a single pub !!

Strictly true but I can think of at least 4 pubs within 100 yards of different points on the high street.

apart from the Luton event where instead I could just send her down the high street with a tenner and tell her to go for a drink in the pub! Should keep her busy looking for a few hours and still get ten pound change at the end of it.

unfortunatley she"ll most likely pass a pub on the way to the high st

Deb on the other hand, can play when husband Andy kills the moths and finds his wallet from a 3-foot deep hidden reinforced pocket in his trousers and gets out the £2 coin required to enter. 

B*stard! Crying with laughter here............ :D
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Re: Is there any APAT WAGs?
« Reply #13 on: August 03, 2010, 19:28:33 PM »
Well here i am in Tallinn airport with my wife in tow after what can be only descibed as a FABULOUS 5 day break in Estonia, Busted out 55-60 ish sorry guys couldn"t win 1 for the team.

My misses totally enjoyed the visit to estonia and sat around as i play sit n gos on the second day of the break, wat a crackup!!!

Duke,,,,,,,, misses thinks your a funny guy but should be shot for the cards your playin. but i guess you keep the beers flowin

Apaters abroad are a very socialbe bunch my wifey goes to the majorty of them. Going to Dublin with misses in tow.

DTD is not one she goin to for the follwing reason already mentioned. DTD is a card room not a casino with only a small bar . Town centre for shoppin is couple of  miles away and crappy for parkin,  

My advice is to take your wag to dublin where the guiness and wiskey flows and leave her out of DTD.
chen see you on the heads up at the worlds
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Re: Is there any APAT WAGs?
« Reply #14 on: August 03, 2010, 19:53:40 PM »

Duke,,,,,,,, misses thinks your a funny guy but should be shot for the cards your playin.

Great to meet you too

ps I was ahead at least once  ;D