We are officially a week into operation stopbeingafatsod and have managed to lose 8lbs, so weight is now officially 14st.
It has been a bit easier than i thought so far in terms of the willpower needed to not eat the rubbish that i used to. Not had any biscuits or cakes or chocolate this week, and taking my own food in to work from home has not only saved me money, but has enabled me to eat a bit healthier too!
In other news, my car engine decided it wanted to pack in the other day, the garage have told me that a piston has shattered in a valve and i either need a new engine or a new car, so am off out car shopping today, which should be expensive.
I have my eye on a Honda Civic type R or a CTDi version, which both cosrt in the region of £7k second hand, so we shall see how that goes.
Also tonight is a christmas meetup with the stockton massive for a game of poker and a huge amount of drinking (JD and diet coke for fatlad please!) Be really good to see a group of people that i dont see often enough anymore.
hope you are all well.