After a bit of deep discussion and thought, the scoring will remain as first announced.
The Team Championships, and Pro League for that matter, are considered separate events to the rest of the WCOAP schedule and therefore will not be included in any "Player of the Championships" rankings.
It would not be right to potentially change the dynamics of the team event by including an element of individual reward in the form of POTC ranking points.
I will always accept the decisions made.
I do however find it difficult to accept that these competitions being considered as separate events when
a) they run at the same time , in the same location
b) they are included in the same APAT World Championship Of Amateur Poker forum
I for one want to play for the team and potc would not affect my play especially as it is the first event I would be playing- later events may be affected if I have run well.
Come on guys "fairs fair"