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Quote from: Claw75 on October 04, 2010, 16:44:01 PMperhaps I didn"t word it very well - it was just a suggestion that the money could be dealt with separately from the titles/medals (eg, 3 players left, all roughly the same chip stacks agree to take 1/3 of the prizepool left each and play on for position + added seat). No, not everyone will agree, but that"s why discussion is good!I agree....discussion is good.APAT will do what APAT will do...but we do know that they take opinions on board. My only concern (if you will) about the deal making is that it devalues (at least to my mind) the achievement in winning.Perhaps I"m alone in this (or just the voice of the otherwise silent majority), I don"t know...but there"d always be a nagging thought in my mind about a winner who"d done a deal to take 1st.
perhaps I didn"t word it very well - it was just a suggestion that the money could be dealt with separately from the titles/medals (eg, 3 players left, all roughly the same chip stacks agree to take 1/3 of the prizepool left each and play on for position + added seat). No, not everyone will agree, but that"s why discussion is good!
Correct me if I"m wrong but the payout structure doesn"t contribute one iota to APATness? And APATness doesn"t mean changing the goalposts of how poker should work does it?
Just thought that if everybody was of the same kind of opinion (which does seem to be the case when he APAT regs post on Blonde) then maybe APAT would want to look at changing it next year, if not, then its still all good and we will all still be playing no doubt.
Quote from: AAroddersAA on October 04, 2010, 17:19:37 PMJust thought that if everybody was of the same kind of opinion (which does seem to be the case when he APAT regs post on Blonde) then maybe APAT would want to look at changing it next year, if not, then its still all good and we will all still be playing no doubt.I agree that if EVERYONE (or at least a significant majority) were in favour of changing it then it should be done. Polling the membership is going to be tough though.It"s only the loudest voices (of which I am unashamedly one) that are being heard at the moment..the same is true on Blonde (I know...I"m lurking there too).
Yep, I agree 100% - and to be fair there are never any complaints about the payout structure at he events themselves which suggest that the most important people (ie the people who actually play the events) are happy.
Quote from: AAroddersAA on October 04, 2010, 17:36:07 PMYep, I agree 100% - and to be fair there are never any complaints about the payout structure at he events themselves which suggest that the most important people (ie the people who actually play the events) are happy. that"s debatable really. I"d be surprised if any regular APATers, whatever their personal views, would feel comfortable raising the issue of a deal at a final table knowing that it is frowned upon by APAT. I certainly wouldn"t feel comfortable bringing it up, unless I personally knew everyone else involved and that they were open to the idea - those conditions are unlikely ever to be met (getting to a final for a start!). Even then I"d imagine any discussions would be done "behind the scenes" - it seems a shame that that would have to happen though for a bunch of players that want to chop the money to be able to do it.There is a problem with knowing what the majority of players would prefer though. It"s safe to say that the views of the majority of APAT members/players on this subject are unknown, but finding out what the general preference is isn"t logistically easy. Threads like this are a great start though, and hopefully lots of people will put their two penneth in whatever their view.
1. Day two in the money2. Change the FT payouts3. No deals4. 50% off all alcoholic drinks
Quote from: duke3016 on October 04, 2010, 18:11:25 PM1. Day two in the money2. Change the FT payouts3. No deals4. 50% off all alcoholic drinksJust like this. Although perhaps #4 might be a step too far..... but #1 to #3 are exactly where I would like to see it go, if change is to happen.
Would be nice to get views from those who have finalled and won on the FT structure