Why is there such a disparity between hotel prices direct and those through an agent at the mo?
IP Deluxe Luv Tub - Direct price $669.76=£446.51
- Through Asda travel=£240.31
There must be catch, but I can"t find it.
anyone know why and how they can do it?
I can"t find the IP at Asda Travel for the selected dates (17/11 - 24/11). Is that what you"re looking at?
Imperial Palace Hotel & Casino
Our Rating:
Hotel Address: 3535 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Vegas,
Check-in date: 17th November 2011
Check-out date: 24th November 2011 (7 nights)
Number of Rooms: 1
Just checked by searching "Hotel only" again and it definitely there at £240.31
and its not just the IP (I just like the Luv Tub) its most of the hotels...
I"ve read the Ts&Cs and can"t find any mention of additional charges later ...