Good to share a table with you too Grant and JP. I had so many hero tables, was pretty cool, a real APAT who's who.
Running terrible this week, bricked nearly 30 tournaments in a row. Pretty much the worst downswing I have had but not worried as still playing fine in the most part. My annoyance at turbo"s is growing.... I play a fair few turbo's and there is an abundance of them on Stars at the micro level. I have been tempted to just stop playing them as I know my ROI in them has been crap. The philosophy that playing turbo"s takes away your edge on the field is valid but playing this level is all about volume and can't afford to take them out of the schedule. I still need to do some work on my push fold ranges as doubting myself again.
I went to see Paranormal Activity 3 with the girlfriend today... love a good scary film although I am a total sissy and watched most of it through my hands. I actually came away thinking that the film wasn't that good which was disappointing as I had read a few good reviews. The concept of the home videos is still scary as hell but it feels like this whole franchise is heading down the "Saw" route with a never ending and more and more complicated story.
Plan is to have a quick swim tomorrow morning and put a proper long session in the afternoon/evening... #winning