Played online again today, was sticking to the £20 buyin still until I got even as I had agreed with myself.
So I started the mont £65 down online after a poor start to Jan. It took me just a week to lose £200 and give myself a tough btask to climb back to parity. I made a decent start though, grinding the lower limit and slowly turning it around. Bt the end of the month I was only £65 down online. although still down overall due to the buyins to both APATs (although I had already made the buyin to Spain last year so it does not actually feel that bad. The live cash session above turned it and put me in profit for the year overall.
Back to online and this game is strange. I made a bad start when somebody limped UTG with KK and I raised the button with 77. The flop came K-7-x and I was a buyin down, however that reversed itself almost staright away with AA vs KK. Good luck and Bad luck so broke even in luck and in cash there. I then played quite well and won about £40 no really big hands but some good consistant value betting does the trick and making good folds when you are behind often enough to know it is -EV to continue with the hand. I then lost a buyin when I got it allin on a flop of
-Qc-8c with AsQd. My opponent showed 4c5c, so it was a race and I lost but he had 15 outs so I believe he is a slight favourite, not sure how the redraw went but it pretty much played itself and nothing I can so to save chips there. I did mis play one hand I think. Playing against a sky reg in this pot. I have K-J and raise it from the cut of to 80p. I get a call from the blinds by this player and we see a flop of 3-10-7 rainbow. I know this player will often float so I check, intending to check raise or bet the turn as I reckon if he checks he is pretty weak. He does check and the turn comes an A. This is a great card for me to bet as he will find it really hard to continue without the ace so I put in a bet of £1.50. He calls and the river comes down a 2. I decide I have to turn my hand onto a bluff so fire £4 into the pot and get pretty much insta called. He had the Ace which he was never laying down for £4 so I probably there lost £4 I did not need to. Apart from that one hand though I am quite happy with my play.
I tehn got a nice hand, playing pretty deep I made a set against and overpair. I raised his flop bet and he called and we got it in on the turn so I made about £35 off that hand, then ran it up a bit more to just get to £81.11 profit for the day. That will do me for today as it puts me back in the black for the year. The lesson here I get is it has taken me three weeks of good work tocorrect the damage done by one weeks bad play at the start of last month (where I lost the best part of £150 I should not have lost). It is so much easier to stay disciplined when you are doing well though, some tips for online cash players (nothing new here but it would do us all good to remember)
1) Don"t get fancy with plays unless you know EXACTLY why you are doing so - 90% of the time you should just be making the standard best play.
2) Don"t play for too long and don"t play when you are not feeling like it - a leak I have sometimes. If I finished all my cash sessions 1 hour earlier I would have made more money at poker.
3) Take breaks - see above you have to have them. It varies for everybody when you need them but last month I badly needed one but did not take one until I had lost at least £100 that I should not have done.
Back in work tomorrow but I am going to play the Blonde league tonight and also try the Blonde sit n go league maybe. My current bottom line for the year is:-
Online cash: +£16.07
Online Tournaments: +£13
Live cash: +£268 (1 session)
Live Tournaments: -£125 (2 Tournaments)