I called
and lost to his rivered two pair as he showed
Readless, that is, without the HEM stats I raise here 100% pre and c-bet the flop when checked to (if he calls pre)
as it was, all I could do was smile and make a note
Don"t be results oriented. Without knowing the result, this thread has pretty much agreed that you played it correctly preflop. The range of an UTG raiser includes so much that will 4-bet if you raise..... and with JJ against an unknown UTG 4-bet, calling or shoving would be way too -EV....
Ask yourself what you would have done if you raised and he 4-bet. If the answer is fold (which without reads, it probably should be), then flat calling was your best play.
As for play on later streets, I"ve no problem with the passive line here as you"re unlikely to get much value from any hands worse than JJ, but will always get called by the hands that beat you.